5 - It Was Nothing

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I walked into the dreaded classroom during fifth hour, I no longer cared if I was late, I don't want to be here in the first place, then walked to my seat, everyone's eyes on me, making me grow self conscious.

Once I sat down, I felt everyone's eyes drift away from me, except the one person I don't want to see at all today.

I looked up to the board, engaging in class when I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket, so I pulled it out and opened the text message.

'Hey, a bunch of the girls are coming over tonight for a small little bonfire. Come over please❤️'

'Of course. I'll be there.'
'G2g. A lot of work today.'

I started doing the work everyone else was doing, feeling Grayson's eyes on me most of the time, but I didn't dare turn around. I just need to act like the kiss never happened.

I got another text, thinking it was from Malia, but when I looked at it, it only showed a random number.

'Come out in the hallway.'

'Who is this?'

I turned around and looked at Grayson confused, but he only reciprocated the same look.

'Just do it.'

I got up and grabbed the bathroom pass off my teacher's desk, and walked into the hallway, seeing nobody.

"I had fun with you on Friday." A deep voice rung behind me, making me turn around quickly to be brought face to face with Bryce.

"Bryce, you can't be here." I said as I walked up to him, fear running through my body like when I last saw him.

"Nobody has to know I was here. I just need you to get one thing straight. If I ever see you hanging around Dolan again, you're gonna wish you didn't." My chest rose, then fell quickly, making his eyebrow arch, knowing he got to me, like usual.

"Are you really threatening a girl who's half your size?" I looked behind me, and saw Grayson leaning against the lockers, looking at his fingernails.

"I don't recall asking for your opinion. Let's go." Bryce forcefully grabbed my arm and started dragging me down the hallway.

"Hold on, I have to show you something." Bryce groaned and turned around before Grayson punched him in the face multiple times, making blood drip from his nose and mouth as he fell to the ground.

"Grayson." He looked up at me, guilt on his face, then reached over and threw me my bag.

"Go to your car. I'll be there in a second." I watched Bryce stand up then push Grayson into the lockers and I jumped, scared they were gonna hurt me. "Go." He demanded, so I walked down the short hallway, hiding around the corner as I watched the two hit each other over and over.

Mrs. Monroe walked into the hallway, yelling at the two boys to break it up, and only did when a guy from class pulled Grayson off Bryce.

I saw Grayson spit blood at Bryce, then grab his bag and walk towards my direction. "I told you to go to your car."

His nostrils flared and jaw clenched as he stormed passed me, walking outside of the building and towards the parking lot, spitting out more blood as he walked.

"Grayson! What the fuck was that?!" He stopped right before reaching the parking lot and turned to me.

"That was me kicking his ass. Now would you drive me home? I need to handle shit." I nodded, then led him to my car, handing him a spare t-shirt I had in my back seat for his bloody nose. "I need your help with something." He said as he rubbed the blood off his face with the old T-shirt as we got in the car.

"Tell me why that just happened, and I'll think about it." I started driving away from the school, not caring about leaving as it is last hour.

"I can't tell you." I quickly stopped the car in the middle of the parking lot and he glared at me.

"Then get out of my car." I shrugged, not caring for his lame excuses anymore.

"Do you really think I would let you freak me out like you did in class, then not go and check on you?" I looked at him like he was the dumbest person on the earth, which he probably is.

"Yes, Grayson." And obvious tone slipping from my lips as I started driving again.

"I wouldn't." His voice was soft, and normal. Opposed to his usual cocky tone. "I knew something was wrong. And I've been meaning to do that for a while."

"You don't even know Bryce."

"How do you think you always got into my parties? I've known him for a while." I rolled my eyes and soon got to Grayson's house, following him inside.

"Your house is gorgeous." I admired the tall ceilings, expensive looking decorations and gorgeous guy in front of me. Shut up, he's a horrible person. "Why have I never noticed before?"

I walked up the stairs and down a long hallway, running my hand along the perfectly built walls. "It's always been night time." He shrugged, following me around, keeping his stare on me.

"Why do you try so hard to get my attention? I thought you hated me." I turned to face him and he quickly lifted me up, putting my legs around his waist and pinning me against the wall again.

"I've never hated you." His voice was low and his beautiful brown eyes stared at my lips, my breathing heavy as I tilted his head up, to look me in the eyes.

He leaned in at a fast pace, smashing his lips against mine hungrily as my hands worked their way through his long brown hair and slightly tasting blood.

His hands moved to my ass, pushing me into him more, only making me more frustrated as I felt my entire body burn with passion, until it turned into guilt and regret.

"Grayson. I'm sorry. I can't." He stared at me with guilt written all over his face, like I genuinely hurt his feelings.

"Okay." He put me down on the ground, then turned away from me, bringing his hands to his head and running his fingers through his hair.

"I've gotta go." I walked down the stairs, feeling his eyes on me the entire way, then walked through his house and to the front door before leaving and walking to my car and driving away.

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