31 - Lights

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The cold breeze hit my face as Grayson and I stepped out of the heated car, the crisp autumn air filling my nose and voices of many other people echoing through the night.

"Wow, it's so cool." Grayson said as he grabbed onto my hand, walking both of us inside, seeing many other people walking through and admiring all of the statues of lights.

"I'm so glad we came Babe." As the two of us walk closer to large walls of light that you could see through to the other side, people were hugging and laughing behind them, enjoying the people they spent their time with. "Come here." I pulled him to the small wall, taking him to the other side and just staring up at him.

"Grayson? Do you ever think about the future?" I asked as the two of us stood there, our silhouettes on display to everyone here.

"Sure I do." He said, confused on why I'd ask that.

"Am I in it?"

"Babe, you are my future."

"But why do I get the feeling you aren't putting everything into it like I am. Like you're so close to being there but it's like there's one thing that's holding you back." I spilled out the words that always seemed to be in the back of my mind, wanting to come out, just never having the right time.

"I'm honestly just scared to love people." I looked down, immediately questioning if he's gonna tell me he doesn't love me.

"Why?" I couldn't think of anything else to say, this being the first thing I came up with.

"I don't want to risk the chance of me loving them and they end up leaving."

"Do you think I'm going to leave?" My voice was soft as I looked up at him, it hurting my heart to look him in the eye right now.

"No. I don't think you would, at least I hope you don't... I just know I'm falling completely in love with you, so please don't break my heart." I sighed from relief a smile forming on my lips as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Grayson, I am completely in love with you. You are mine and I am yours. What you feel in your heart, is the exact same thing I feel, but slightly less."

He blew air out of his nose and smiled at me, looking away for a second. "There is no way in hell you could feel as amazing and whole as I do with you."

"There is a way, and I know that because I feel it. Grayson I'm in this forever." He immediately smiled wide and leaned in the kiss me, wrapping his arms around my waist and lifting my feet gently off the ground.

"Thank you Baby." He said as he put me back on the ground.

"For what?"

"For being amazing and being you and loving me. I'm so grateful." I kissed him one last time without saying anything, then walked from behind one of the walls, no one seeming to notice us move from how dark it was.

We walked around the large museum for a while, admiring the art and taking pictures of ourselves to remember this night. What a beautiful night it's been.

"Okay let's go outside there's more in the back." I said as I walked in front of Grayson, outside to more statues covered in lights.

"This literally feelings like a movie." He said as he grabbed onto my hand, walking us over to a bridge with a lit up arch covering the top of the bridge that reached slightly above a pond.

"I wish I could stay here forever." I smiled over at him as we walked over the bridge, then leaned over to kiss him quickly and continued walking.

"Let's take some pictures on here, it'd be so cute." Grayson said as he pulled his phone out of his grey dressy pants.

"Want me to pose like a model?" I giggled and started posing as Grayson took pictures from different angles, but I only continued laughing from feeling slightly embarrassed.

"Okay take some of me." He handed me his phone and started posing like a douchebag, both of us laughing at each other.

"Gray you're so cute." I took a few more pictures and then started taking some of us both laughing and kissing and making funny faces, not caring about the people who passed us and stared.

"Okay, I'm hungry babe, let's go somewhere." He kissed my temple and grabbed my hand, pulling me off the other side of the bridge and to the back of the museum where all of the cars parked.

"What are we eating?" I asked as we reached the car, unlocking the door from a slight distance with my keys.

"I'm driving." He said smiling at me as he grabbed the keys from my hand and we switched sides, him getting behind the wheel, me on the passenger's side.

"Gray you didn't answer my question." I giggled as I got in the car and closed the door next to me.

"Oh I don't care, where do you want to go?" He asked as he started the car and pulled out of the parking lot.

"I'm looking up a good Mexican restaurant, does that sound good?" I looked over at him, admiring him focusing on driving.

"Yeah that's fine just get directions." He reached his right hand over to my lap and held it in between my bare thighs, his hand cold and making me jump slightly. Shouldn't have worn a skirt. "Sorry" he chuckled "I should've warned you." He glanced over at me and smiled, making me blush and put my hand on top of his.

"You look really good in this outfit, you should dress like this more often." I gawked over at him and admired how nice he looks, while I rubbed my hand up his forearm.

"I would tell you to dress like that more often but you always wear cute stuff like that, and even when you wear hoodies you're still as beautiful as ever." He looked over at me again and I giggled, lifting his hand and kissing it.

"I love you baby." He squeezed my thigh slightly and looked over at me again.

"I love you too Em."

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