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"Oh, you guys wanna go to my house? Shit, I've never had so many girls wanting to go to my house," Zane drunkenly said.

It was a new day, and it's been a few weeks since and Zane was drunk.

At this point, Zane and I found a house and have moved in.

David called me because of how drunk he got again, and so I took an Uber to Jc Caylen's house, where I watched Zane fall from his roof.

One girl holds her phone out for Zane to type in the address, and that's when I stepped out of the car to have a talk with everyone.

"Okay guys, can we have a serious talk for a second? Zane is clearly drunk, he's a 26 year old man, and you guys are all underage.. If the cops happened to be called while you guys were there, all of us adults would get arrested. I know you guys don't mean any harm, but you're seriously willing to take advantage of Zane like that? Please, just take your pictures, your videos, stuff like that, and go home. It's late, and it's a Thursday night," I plead with the fans.

"Babe, it's fine," Zane tries to defend, but I've had enough.

How in the hell are these girls going to try to take advantage like that? It disgusts me.

"This is why you're a piece of trash, Maya," One fan snaps back.

"Hey, if that's what your opinion is, then so be it. Have a good night," I say and get back into the car, plugging my earbuds into my phone and ignoring everyone else.

David waves bye and drives off, bringing Zane and I home.


"How many fucking times have I told you?! I don't care that you're drinking, but can you just stop making stupid fucking decisions?!" I yell at Zane, who has slightly sobered up by now.

"David needs content, babe! He's so good at convincing us do to things," He responds.

"I don't give a shit about David's vlogs! I care so much more about your health and your well being! It fucking hurts me to see you constantly doing dumb shit just to make it 20 seconds in his vlog. For fucks sake, Zane! You had to get four fucking staples in your head because of him! You walked on fire because of him! You fell off a fucking roof tonight because of him! You almost got us fucking arrested! I've had enough watching you go down this road!" I exclaim, tears flowing out of my eyes.

"Babe.. I'm sorry, okay? The fans love it, I just... There's so much pressure," Zane calmly says.

"Obviously the fans fucking love it, they wanted to show up to our fucking house tonight. You know what? I can't do this tonight. I'll see you later," I spat, leaving the house with my keys and phone.

"Maya, please! Don't leave," He begs.

"I need space right now," I say, getting into my Ford Bronco and driving away.

I drive to the first safe place that I can think of.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Calum asks once he opens his door.

"Can.. Can I spend the night here? I just-" I begin to say, until I break down in tears.

"Hey, it's okay, yeah, you can spend the night here. Come in," He invites, wrapping an arm around my back, leading me inside.


Hi so I know the vlogs of drunk Zane don't match up in real life like they do in the story, but we're just gonna pretend they do

Also I'm not going to be including Stass (however you spell her name) because I honestly am not fond of her lmao

Anyways thanks for reading, I love y'all ❤

You Are Loved (sequel to Crash//Zane Hijazi Fanfic) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now