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"I do," Erin says to TJ and the preacher.

The preacher recites the same thing, but to TJ, and he responds with, "I do,".

Yes, today is the day.

Today is the day that Erin and TJ finally got married.

I stood up at the alter, with Carly, Erin, Corinna, Mariah, and Kristen.

"You may now kiss the bride," The priest says, followed by TJ kissing Erin.

The crowd and the bridesmaids/groomsmen all erupted in cheers as we see Erin and TJ kissing.


"Erin, that was beautiful!" I exclaim, as all of us bridesmaids change into our reception dresses.

They were all different, but this was mine:

They were all different, but this was mine:

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"Thank you! I cannot believe I'm married.. Oh my God.. I'm married!!" Erin exclaims in response, causing all of us to laugh at her realization.

I walk out of the dressing room to find Zane, considering the only people that I knew here were the YouTubers that showed up.

"Maya, hey! Sorry, I just realized that your probably don't know me, I'm Chris Klemmens, I'm a friend of Carly's and Erin's, would you want to do a video with me sometime?" Chris Klemmens asks.

"Oh my God, of course I know who you are! I'm a fan of yours, not gonna lie," I reply, causing his jaw to drop.

"Are you fucking serious?" He asks in shock.

"Yeah! You're hilarious, and I would love to do a video with you! Do you wana exchange numbers and then you can text me whenever?" I suggest.

"That's so fucking cool, uhm, yeah, here's my phone, you can just type it in," Chris says, handing me his phone, with the 'Contacts' app open.

I hand him my phone and we exchange numbers, and after we trade phones, I feel an arm wrap around my waist.

"Flirting with other guys, huh babe?" Zane asks, jokingly.

"Oh yeah, totally, Chris and I are now dating for sure," I joke back.

"Yeah, because I'm totally not in a long-term relationship, like, at all," Chris chimes in, causing us all to laugh.

"I'm gonna go find TJ, but I'll see you guys later," Chris says, waving to Zane and I and walking away.

"You look beautiful, babe," Zane says, turning to me.

"You look very handsome," I reply, kissing his lips.

He holds my hand and asks, "You ready for this reception?"

"Let's do it," I answer, and we walk back into the massive room for the reception.

You Are Loved (sequel to Crash//Zane Hijazi Fanfic) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now