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A few days later, I started rehab and hated it at first, but I knew I needed to push through for Zane.

We were currently sitting at home, as we realized something.

"Oh my god, my birthday is in 2 weeks.. I'm gonna be 26..And then it's our anniversary in August, and then your birthday in November," I say.

"Oh god, you're right, how did we forget? What do you think you wanna do for your birthday this year?" Zane asked.

"Definitely not a huge party like last year. I'm thinking just a dinner with all of our friends and Jasmine, ya know? Something simple but also something where we all see each other," I answer.

"Well, we should probably start planning the dinner then, it's hard to get everybody together nowadays," He replies.

"Yeah, you're right. I'm probably gonna start planning it tomorrow morning, and then I'm modeling for 3 hours tomorrow," I say.

"Modeling? Again?" Zane asks, confused.

"Yeah, it's with a different company. I had my lawyer look over the contract and it didn't say anything about my eating in it," I answer.

"Promise me you'll stop doing it if it becomes too much," He begs.

"I will," I promise him.

We kiss and head out to the living room, where I see Jasmine, laying on the couch, half asleep.

I kneel down to her and rub her shoulder.

"Jas, you've got school in the morning, and you have to be there early for dance rehearsals. You should probably get to bed, it's 11PM," I say to Jasmine.

"Huh? Oh, I forgot, thank you M," She replies, heading into her room after throwing her plate and cup in the garbage.

"Have you ever thought about having kids?" Zane asks, once it's just us.

"Slow down partner, we've only been together for almost a year now," I reply, jokingly.

"No no, not like that, just in general. You'd be a good mom," He responded.

"You think?" I ask.

"Absolutely, I see the way you are with Jasmine, and although I didn't know your mom for long, she raised you, so you know how to raise someone else," He answers.

"Well, maybe, I don't know. I'm kinda scared about passing off my addictions to my kids," I say, hesitantly.

"Well, you've been sober for a while now, and you've handled it really well since then. I don't think you will, but I also don't know what it's like to be an addict, er, uh, past, addict?" He questions.

"No you're right, I'm an addict. I'm not actively addicted, but I was at one point," I reassure him.

I can tell he's really trying, and I hope he knows how much I appreciate that.

"What about you? Do you want kids one day?" I ask.

"Honestly, I didn't think much about it until I met you," He says, and I ask why.

"Because, the world deserves to see more of your face," He says.

"You're so cheesy," I reply, blushing.

"I love you," Zane says to me, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"I love you more," I replied and wrapped my arms around his shoulders, kissing him.

You Are Loved (sequel to Crash//Zane Hijazi Fanfic) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now