Imagine for lost_in-space

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Another guy flirts with you and he gets jealous.


"Please! Why not?" Your boyfriend has been irritating you for the past hour trying to persuade you to attend his lacrosse game that night but unfortunately you couldn't because you had a science assignment due the next morning and you needed it done tonight.

"You know why Isaac, I've told you multiple times," You sighed flicking through your science book

"But it's the first game of the season, You can't miss it Amelia" he begged

"And I have an assignment due tomorrow Isaac," You spoke firmly

"Fine," He replied sulkily before turning in his seat and facing the front of the classroom.

"I'll come to your next one," You promised

Isaac continued facing the front ignoring your words.

"Really Isaac? Are you gonna be like that?" You asked as he continued ignoring you.

You looked down at your book before sighing. "Fine, I'll come," You relented knowing you were going to regret it.

He turned to beam at you "Yes! Promise Amelia you won't regret it!" He pulled you into a big bear hug.

"Lahey, Amelia is there something you want to share with the class?" You felt your cheeks grown hot as you turned to look at Mr Harris who was glaring holes into you and Isaac.

"No sir, not at all!" Isaac replied happily to Mr Harris


You sat on the bleachers with Lydia and Allison watching the boys warm up. athe other team were also here who in your opinion all looked like men because of how muscular they looked.

"Omg what school is this? All they're players a gorgeous!" Lydia commented checking out each player.

"Really Lydia they look like men not high school students," You deadpanned

"I love me some men," She winked at you

You let out a laugh "Do you want a coffee? I'm gonna go buy me one?" You asked Lydia and Allison

"No thanks," They replied in unison

You walked down the bleachers to the little coffee van and ordered your coffee. As you were waiting for your coffee you continued watching the boys warm up and failed to notice a presence beside you.

"Do you believe in love at first sight or should I walk by again?" You turned to see someone from the opposition team standing and smirking at you. You couldn't help but let out a laugh at the guy's cheesey pick up line.

"Was that your attempt in trying to pick me up?" You asked between laughs.

"I don't know did it work?" He asked winking at you.

You finally controlled your laughs.

"You have a beautiful laugh, what's your name?" he asked

You went to answer him but was interrupted.

"Taken. Her name is taken so back off," You heard a familiar deep voice come up behind you.

The guy smirked before grabbing your hand and kissing it "Nice to meet you Taken," He winked before walking away.

You couldn't help but giggle this whole situation was just too funny.

"Don't laugh that wasn't funny. I'm funny he wasn't," Isaac scolded

You laughed again "Sure you are babe, good luck for your game by the way," You stood on your tippy toes to peck him on the lips and grabbed your coffee before turning away and walking towards the bleachers.


Isaac walked ran on to the field as he heard the whistle signalling the start of the game. His eyes caught the guy that had just been flirting with you he suddenly felt pumped and the need to win.

The guy caught Isaac's eye and smirked giving Isaac a wink. Isaac controlled himself stopping his eyes from flashing. They all stood in position Isaac not to far from the dickhead as Isaac had named him in his head.

"So your girl, she's pretty hot aye. Wouldn't mind getting a piece of her," He commented

"Well that's too bad she doesn't go for assholes," Isaac commented smoothly

"Well why is she with you," dickhead commented innocently as Isaac let out a low growl.

You watched from the bleachers unaware of the situation.

You watched as the ball was passed back and forth through the opposition. The ball was caught by the guy that flirted with you and you watched as he ran down the field dodging anyone that came his way stepping, flipping and other fancy tricks. His streak was soon cut short when a blur ran towards him and crushed him onto the ground causing the ball to fall out of his net and a Beacon Hills player pick it up and score.

Everyone stood cheering including you although your eyes trained on Isaac's crouched figure of the injured boy.

"She doesn't really like pussies to be honest," Isaac whispered into the boys ear and was answered with a groan.

Also to all directioners I was thinking about doing One Direction Preferences and Imagines. Opinions on that?

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