Stiles Imagine for TaniaVen (Part- II)

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When you mourned you had a schedule for one week you'll sit around and mope all you like, ignoring everyone and then come the following week you'll pretty yourself up, keep your head up and act strong.

You did exactly that when your past two dogs died and just because Stiles had cheated on you that was not going to change that.

You were going back to school today after spending your week ignoring absolutely everyone including your best friend's Allison and Lydia. You knew everyone was worried you had taken the battery out of your phone and shut it away in a drawer. Every time someone would come to your house (Mostly Stiles) your mum would say you weren't home which you were glad for.

You were going back to school today and although you were not very keen for it you still managed to get yourself up and ready.

You were wearing a white crop top, with high waisted black jeans and brown ankle boots. Make-up was natural and hear was in oerfect waves. You wanted to show Stiles what he was missing out on but not so much that you looked like a slag.

The whole day you have been avoiding Scott and Stiles you knew their schedule so you knew the routes not to take when walking to different classes and lunch.

But knowing your horrible luck when walking out of school you found dumb & dumber waiting for you at your car.

You sighed completely ignoring them automatically unlocking the doors to your car.

They both stood in the way of getting to the drivers seat so you stood in front of them arms crossed.

"Can I help you?" You asked with attitude.

"I've been trying to call you all week!" Stiles exclaimed

"My phone was off," You stated calmly

"Your kidding?!" Stiles exclaimed loudly

You raised your eyebrow at him.

"I was worried about you," He added softer

"Well I'm here aren't I, so can you move out of my way so I can not be here?" You snapped

Stiles gave Scott a look before he walked away.

"Look (Y/N), I'm so sorry about Malia. But she doesn't mean anything to me. It's you and only you will I ever love. The nogitsune was no excuse either, I was stressed and she was just there-"

"Stiles, that's what I'm for! I'm your girlfriend!  You have stress sex with me not some cayote girl from the psych ward! " You yelled at him.

"I know! I love you so much so please forgive me! I love you so much and with everything going on I can't lose you. Not right now, or ever!"

Your eyes softened from their glare.


"YES! "

"But that doesn't mean we're getting bacm together, " You snapped and he stopped cheering. "You have to earn my trust again and then we can start taking it slowly," You stated firmly.

His eyes brightened as he leaned in to give you a kiss.

You placed your pointer finger on his lips stopping him half way. "Uh uh, earn it buddy!"

You smirked at him before jumping into your car and driving off. You looked back in the mirror to see him jumping up and down cheering as Scott joined him.

You let out a silent laugh before turning away.


Sorry I've been so slow but I'm either busy or lazy but I'll try to get all your requests done ASAP.

*not edited

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