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The pack had left and it was just you and Derek. He was standing still looking out the large window on the other side of the room.You could tell he was beating himself up over Boyd.

You didn't know what to do yet. If you came on to hard he would just push you away and if you just left him he would beat himself up about it even more.

You saw his shoulders begin to shake and you slowly walked over and sat on the table behind him. You grabbed his arms spinning around and pulled him down towards you, your arms wrapping around his neck.

You felt his arms find themselves around your waist and his face bury in your neck.

"It's not your fault," You whispered softly your hands running through his hair as you rocked him back and forth his sniffles echoing through the room.

Your parents were gone leaving you home alone so you decided to go visit your boyfriend since you knew he would also be home alone because his mum would be on night shift.

You arrived at Scott's house and opened the door using the spare key that was hidden under the Welcome mat.

You opened the door only to be greeted by darkness.

"Hello? Scott?" You called out.

You walked up the stairs in the darkness and towards his room. You opened the door to his room which was also dark.

You could hear a noise but couldn't make it out.  You ran your hand along the wall looking for the light switch. Finally feeling it you switched it on.

You jumped fright when you saw your boyfriend curled up on the bed sniffing. You rushed towards the bed.

"Scott what's wrong?" You asked pulling yourself beside him and lying down next to him.

"I can't do it," He whispered

"Do what?"

"Protect everyone, " He whimpered

You had never seen Scott so lost and you had no idea what to say. So you just pulled him into your chest and wrapped your arms around him pulling him close to comfort him.

You had ran straight to Stiles house when Scott had called to tell you that Sheriff Stilinski had been taken by the darach.

You barged into the house not bothering to knock. You ran through the whole house looking for any sign of your boyfriend.

You couldn't find him and were ready to leave and check Derek's loft. When you heard soft cries coming from Mr Stilinski's room. You slowly opened the door peaking your head in.

You almost cried at the sight of your boyfriend sitting in the corner of the room with his in his hands and soft whimpers could be heard.

"Oh Stiles," You sighed as you rushed towards him in relief. You slid down the wall beside him and wrapped your arm around his shoulder resting your head on his shoulder, you felt his head rest on yours.

"I can't lose him," He whimpered

"I already lost one parent I can't lost the other," He added

"You won't we'll find him," You spoke determined

"And sitting here is not helping,  so get up put on a strong face and let's go find your dad. Together." You spoke standing up and holding your hand out.

He gave you a soft smile and took your hand.

You were fast asleep sprawled out across your bed when you heard tapping on your window. Tiredly getting up you walked over to your window opening it you looked out to see your best friend Isaac standing on your lawn looking up at you with red eyes.

You quickly moved out of the way so he could jump through.

"What's wrong?  Why are you crying? " You asked frantically

"Derek he kicked me out," He whispered his eyes not leaving the ground.

"What? Why?"

"I don't know, he just said I couldn't be there anymore, I have no where  to go,"

"Stay here, I have a spare room and my parents will be gone for months on their business trip, well it's not like they care anyways, " You rambled on

"Are you sure?" He asked looking like a kick puppy dog.

You giggled and nodded. You could tell something else was wrong.

"Isaac is there something else?" You asked

He shook his head. You crossed your arms giving him a hard look.

"H-h-he threw a glass at me," Isaac stuttered

Your eyes widened in realization, you've known him for a long time. Way before he became a wolf and you knew about his abusive father and how he would always throw stuff at him most objects being glass. So when Derek threw a glass at him it must have triggered memories that Isaac had tried so hard to bury.

You didn't say anything but pull him into a tight hug.

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