He Breaks Up with You but You're Pregnant ( Other boys)

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(Y/H/T) = Your home town.

"No, no, no, no," You chanted softly at the little plus sign that was clearly shown on the pregnancy test you had bought from the drug store.

Now couldn't be the worst time, Scott had been distant lately, Deucalian was on the loose and not only that your english teacher was going around sacrificing innocent people.

But you had to tell him. It was now or never. You picked up your phone and dialled the familair number of your boyfriend.


"Hey babe, can we meet up I need to talk to you, " You asked shyly through the phone.

"Um yeah, I needed to talk to you as well,"

"Okay, we'll meet at the look out?" You asked

You exchanged goodbyes after he agreed and then hung up.

You pulled a coat on over your torso and headed out the door.


You arrived at the look out seeing Scott there already. You greeted him as you both leaned up against a rock.

"So-" You both began at the same time.

"You go," You spoke softly

"Look, I don't we can be together anymore I think we should break up," He spoke emotionlessly.

Your mouth dropped.  "Are you serious?"

"Completely, " He said as he began walking away

"What? You're just gonna walk away?  Not going to give me a reason?" You called after him.

You watched as he dissappeared off into the trees. As soon as you saw his back dissappear you dropped to the ground and let out a sob as your gaze dropped to your flat stomach.

It was yours and Stiles anniversary today and you were excited.  You believed you had the best present ever for him. You were two months pregnant and couldn't wait to tell him.

You were hoping he would be excited which you were sure he would be, you had spoken about having a family and the names you would give your kids. You had a new dress on, make up and hair done absolutely perfect.

You sat at the table in yours and Stiles favorite restaurant waiting for Stiles. Your leg was bouncing in excitement. But soon 10 minutes past.

Then a half hour.

Then an hour.

And then you were kicked out of the restaurant for being there to long and not ordering anything.

You were fuming as you walked through the front door to your house. Your anger suddenly came to a halt when you saw your house emptier than usual. Things were missing.

The first thing that popped into your mind was that you were robbed. You dropped your things and ran to your room and saw all of Stiles stuff missing you were panicking and ready to call the police when you saw a note on your bed.


I'm sorry but I couldn't do this anymore.  Everything's just too much.

We're over.


You dropped the note and fell onto the floor your back up against the bed. Your face fell into your hands. You had no idea what to do. You were two months pregnant and no one to help you. Guess there's only one thing to do.

You stood up and walked to your laptop and booked the earliest flight to (Y/H/T)

Isaac had recently been distant and most of the times you didn't know why. Today was one of those days where Isaac had once again ditched you saying he had pack business to attend to.

You shrugged it off not thinking anything of it. You were making you a pb&j sandwich when you suddenly felt quesy and ended up vomiting in the toilet.

You were confused as to why you've been so sick lately. Especially in the morning. Oh no. Please no. You thought as you rushed to your keys. You got in your car and sped to the grocery store.

You had grabbed three pregnancy tests and sped back home.


You were leaning over the bench the three positive pregnancy tests placed in front of you. You pulled out your phone calling Scott.


"Hey Scott is Isaac with you?"

"No he went with Allison to her place to get some stuff,"

"Oh ok thanks" You said and hung up.

You got back in the car. Driving to Allison's many thoughts running through your head.

Why would he lie to you?

Why's he with Allison?

What if he doesn't want the baby?

What if he breaks up with me?

No, he wouldn't do that he loves me.

You spoke to yourself determined.

You headed up the stairs and towards the front door of Allison's apartment.  You knocked on the door but it swung open.

You made your way to Allison's room in hope of finding your boyfriend. You could hear sounds from there. You pressed your ear against the door and heard the sounds of kissing.

"I love you, " You heard Allison whisper

"I love you too," You heard Isaac whisper back.

You swung the door open holding the tears in. You found Isaac and Allison laying down in her bed tangled with eachother kissing.

They jumped out of each others embrace.

"(Y/N)-" Isaac started

"What you gonna give me some bullshit excuse about how 'it's not what it looks like'?"

"We wanted to tell you," Allison said

"Shut up Allison! How could you? You're my best friend, you knew how I felt about Isaac! Did you think about how Scott would feel about this?" You yelled at her causing her to flinch.

"Y/N.." Isaac stood from his place in the bed reaching out to you.

"No Isaac, if you hadn't already realised we're done and fûck you." You began to walk out of the room.

"Oh and fuck you too Allison." You called over your shoulder not bothering to turn back so they can see the tears in your eyes.

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