♀ the girl who chased

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C H A P T E R 15


Hermione sighs impatiently for a third time in five minutes, a clear attempt at signaling that she wanted us to leave the Great Hall. Of course I got the hint, loud and clear, yet I continued pretending to be oblivious.

Another few minutes dragged on, feeling more like hours in the awkward silence. Hermione, apparently realizing that her sighs were meaningless, decided to speak. "He's fine,
(y/n). Of all the things Harry's been through I'm sure discussing his participation in a silly school tournament is not the most life-threatening."

I said nothing in return. I had no snarky comeback at the ready and, admittedly, she did have a point. I'm sure Harry wasn't in any particular danger at the moment. And I do suppose it'd make more sense to wait for him in the common room.

The champion selection has just ended. Dumbledore instructed the headboy and girl of each house to escort the students to their respective common rooms. After doing so he practically fled the hall in search of the one, the only, Harry Potter.

Harry Potter. The name supposedly printed on a slip of parchment that declared him as a participant in the Triwizard Tournament. I've never seen Dumbledore so angry, though I don't particularly understand why. It's not like Harry submitted his name willingly. He had absolutely no interest whatsoever in partaking in the competition.

The question remains then, how exactly was his name submitted?

There's really no logical explanation that I can think of. A few theories, but each as far fetched as the next. Harry has enemies, who doesn't. Though I don't think Draco would do anything like this, why get the person he hates even more attention. And the only other enemy he has that I can think of, well, I don't think the Dark Lord would go through the trouble to submit Harry into a school contest.

Regardless I hope they don't make him compete. Of all people Harry is one that couldn't care less about eternal glory. He worries me constantly as it is, I don't know if he'll be able to handle dealing with this stupid tournament on top of everything else that's going on. I don't find it fair in the slightest that he has to deal with everything at such a young age. More often than not I wish it were me in his place just so that he wouldn't have to deal with it all.

"Alright, Gryffindors! Come along this way. Hurry up now, stop dillydallying!"

Percy's irritating shouts somehow overpower the noise of all the chattering students in the hall. We've been hanging around for about ten minutes and yet the hall was nowhere near cleared out. It seems many others were... were awaiting the return of the boy who... lived.

HIS CHOSEN GIRL 2 ✵HPWhere stories live. Discover now