Take Twenty-Seven.

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"We don't wanna go home.. better dance for us. You're fucked, but oh, you're so fun.. how you holding on?" - Tove Lo.


   My vehicle was being towed from A&I's parking lot because I was too tired to go back there with anyone and get it. Exhausted wouldn't even begin to cover how I was feeling and all I was looking forward to was showering, eating, talking to Derick and sleeping.

   I placed my keys on top of the table right near the door and took off my shoes and left them right where they were.

   "London?" Derick called out. He was still in the kitchen.

   "I'm coming."

   I took my sweet time getting to the kitchen, because I didn't want to seem overly excited, although I was. It was Derick who I was happy to come home to and if someone had told me that I would be thinking something like this about two months ago, I would've looked at them like they were clinically insane. Yet, here I was, unable to contain my excitement to see my temporary husband.


   He whipped around once he heard the nearness of my voice and I watched his shoulders sag ever so slightly as he let out a breath. When he started walking toward me, I tried my best not to show both my confusion and excitement. He threw his arms around me once he was close enough. My body instantly weakened the second we made physical contact and I could've melted. His scent didn't make my struggle any easier either.

   "I'm so glad you're okay." He spoke into my hair. My face was buried in his chest and I was not complaining. He eventually pulled back though, probably remembering that I had to breathe.

   "Thank you, me too." I looked up into his face, both of our arms still tangled around each other. "You knew I was okay, though."

"I had to see for myself." He shrugged, pulling away and heading back to the stove. "Come here. I want to show you what I made for you."

I obeyed and followed him to the stove. Already knowing it was some kind of meat, my stomach fussed hungrily in response to it the second I walked through the door. Those muffins that I ate at Brewing Beans just gave me a little boost of energy and that was all I needed at the time. But I was still very hungry.

"Ugh," I dramatically exhaled once I laid eyes on the masterpiece that was going to be my dinner. Not only did it smell appetizing but the presentation was exquisite.

"Stuffed chicken breast with spinach, cheese and sun-dried tomatoes." He informed me. He sounded so proud of himself, as he should've been. His cooking was out of this world and I thought it was such a great skill to have. It was also shocking to me that he could cook, I figured he was always too busy to care to learn.

   "It all looks and smells so great." I assured him. "But I feel so grimy and gross. Can I hop in the shower first?"

   "Of course. I'll take up the food and set on a movie in the meantime."

   As I was turning to leave, Derick slapped my bottom and I squealed, whipping around, not bothering to hide my shock. His only response was a wink and a knowing smile. My cheeks and neck started a ridiculous amount of burning, and I was fighting a silly grin away.

   When did things change so much between us?

   The entire time in the shower, that one thought ran rampant inside of my brain. There was a point where I could not stand Derick's guts and hated being anywhere near him and vice versa. Well, that was when I was still angry and hurt for what he did. Now, after he expressed why he did what he did and his feelings for me, I couldn't wait to be in his presence half the time. I was letting him do things to me that only people in relationships would be doing. I was carrying his child. The last part, he wasn't aware of just yet and my stomach still churned every time I thought about his possible reaction. But, I would tell him.. eventually. As soon as I worked up the courage.

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