Take Fifteen.

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People told me I should write a love song. "Girl, you sound so angry. You could use some variation." But I'm lonely, negative relations. I've been hurt so many times, I don't have the patience.. - Jennifer Lopez.


Last night, after leaving Derick at the feet of the staircase, I slept in the bed alone. That much was expected. This morning, I got up extra early, made breakfast, even enough for him, but I ate alone. He wasn't awake during that time and that was what I was hoping for. I didnt have anything against him, really.. Well, I'm working on letting the past go like he'd mentioned, but, it was obvious that being nice to each other wasn't going to work out. Therefore, I decided that I would just go back to steering clear of him.

After breakfast, I got dressed and hopped in my car and now, I was on my way to UTBD. I had two goals, one was to make sure the company was still a whole and two was to blab my mouth to my best friends about the previous night.

Most people didn't tell anyone anything and that was their preference, but those particular set of people who often bottle up their emotions, eventually explode or have some sort of a breakdown. We're only human, we can only be so strong for so long and no man is an island. And, nothing is worse than when someone who thinks that when others asks for help, that they're a weak person.

That couldn't be more inaccurate. In fact, I think anyone who punches pride in the face because they understand that they're human and need assistance sometimes, is really mentally strong. If you spend all of your time trying to be strong, for whatever the reason may be, it would send you insane. Don't get me wrong, being strong is a beautiful thing but trying to be so all of the time was impossible. That's why my friends were my refugee. If I had an issue they were always the first to know, simply because they had my best interest at heart and they'd always been there for me.

I couldn't ask for better friends.

That same thought replayed over and over again in my head, even as I entered UTBD. The first person I saw was Shai and he immediately said in a both shocked and worried tone, "You look like crap." And it was at that moment that I started questioning my earlier thoughts.

"Thanks, it's the look I was going for. I call it Chic Hobo." Sarcasm dripped from my words as I jokingly bumped my hair with my hands. Then, I rolled my eyes.

Shai laughed and then looked at me as he was sobering up. "But honestly, you're never dressed like a bum unless something's wrong. So, what gives?"

"You're just feeding my confidence, Shai." I said sarcastically, again. "I have some tea to spill."

"Hold on, to my knowledge.. last night would've been you and Derick's date. At this moment, you're dressed like a bum, which is a sign, like I said just now, that something is wrong.." He spoke and I could practically hear the wheels turning in his head. He groaned. "Oh my God, London.. What did you do?"

My mouth flopped open. "Me?! What makes you think it's my fault?" I frowned as I looked at Shai. It was unbelievable how he just pinned the blame on me.

He looked at me like the answer was obvious. "Because you're you.."

"I- I don't know how to feel about that." I muttered.

"I just know how you are when it comes to Derick, or any man for that matter." He replied easily. "But, I'm waiting for you to tell me what's wrong because there's a video circulating."

"I wanna tell you all at the same time. Where's Lydia, Lila and Melanie?" I questioned, anticipating seeing them because I honestly missed them. I was use to seeing their faces everyday. Now, I had to face Derick every morning instead.

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