Take Twenty.

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"Why can't you be happy for me?" - Cardiff Brothers.


The next day, I'd woken up still miserable from the night before. Derick never came up to the room that night, which I didn't expect. And we both heavily avoided one another for the remainder of the following day. What I wanted to know, was how in the hell were we going to be convincing enough at this video shoot today.

Yesterday, after Derick headed out to make a few business runs, Lila had called me. She and I were discussing the article that Julia Aliston wrote. At least I got the right amount of drama and exaggeration from her that I was expecting from Derick. I expected him to be angry about it too, but now as I thought about, I'm not surprised he didn't side with me.

Now, I was trying to decide what to wear to head down to the studio. I was informed that they already had the outfits I would be wearing during the video on set, which I already expected. Knowing Lydia and Shai, that was one thing for sure they would've made certain was in place.

I finally settled for a pair of pale, skinny jeans, and a black camisole. After dressing myself, I stuck my feet into my sandals and wiggled my toes, looking up and around, trying to figure out what else I needed to do. I knew that Derick was downstairs waiting for me, so I grabbed my purse, keys and my cellphone and headed down.

He was wearing the most uninterested expression and it irked me. It was taking everything in me not to cancel and tell him I didn't want to do the video anymore. The only reason I kept walking and followed him out of the house and into the car was because I knew that everyone was already set up and waiting.

Everything about Derick was annoying me right now, his attitude, his facial expression, how good he looked, how amazing he smelt. He was just such an annoying human being. I hated that I was hating him and still found myself being drawn to him.

During the drive, I decided to get one thing out in the open, "Listen, I know this is the last thing you want to be doing right now, pretending to like me. But I promise this'll be the last time I drag you into something like this. All I ask is that you try your best today. I know we're not each other's favorite people, but just for a few hours today. Please."

He shrugged. "No problem, London." He replied nonchalantly and my eye twitched.

Breathe, London. At least he agreed to be civil and to try act like a real husband for the cameras. That was all I needed from him today. The day hadn't started yet and I couldn't wait for it to be over with.

• • • • • • • •

We arrived at one of Shai's boy toys, Emilio's studio and Derick hopped out of the car after telling me to stay put and he came around on my side to open my door for me. My heart still sped up a little even though this was a usual occurrence, cameras around or not. I placed my hand in his outstretched one and the warmth that engulfed it was inviting. He closed my door and locked the car before snaking his arm around my waist.

Apparently, word was out that we would be here because there were a few paparazzis already surrounding us, snapping pictures. I smiled and waved at a few, Derick doing the same. It baffled me how well he played the "good, happy husband" role every time, without fail.

"Mrs. Adams, Mr. Adams! According to reliable sources, you both had a huge falling out two days ago. Are these rumors true?" Someone, a young man, ran toward us to ask. He held his recorder out toward us.

Derick paused to answer. "Like every couple, we have disagreements. We're human. What's important, is that my baby girl is no longer upset with me." He looked down at me and I was both shocked and pleased at how amazing he was at all of this. "I promise that's all I worry about when we argue."

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