Take Nineteen.

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"No one makes it out alive in paradise." - TNBHD.

   Would you guys believe he still took us for food? And, when I say for food, I meant a full-blown sit in kind of thing. We were really at a restaurant, regardless of the fact that he now hated my guts again, regardless of the horrible tension that settled between us.

   I was eating my Chicken Fettuccine, which tasted exceptional by the by, and when my eyes glanced up, there was a couple sitting behind us, not directly, a little further away, whom were watching us particularly hard. Fidgeting beneath their scrutinizing gazes, I looked back down at my food.

   I was absolutely positive they were paparazzi and was waiting for something news or gossip worthy to happen.

   "Derick," I hissed, trying not to speak loudly. "There's this-this couple behind us, I think they're paps. They're watching us really hard."

   "What do you want me to do? Tell them to go away? I can't dictate where they decide to eat." He retorted with a lot more attitude than necessary. I expected it though. I also deserved it.

   "I was just warning you." I muttered, stabbing my chicken. "Look, I know you hate me right now. But, you still decided to sit down and eat and I'm sure that that was intentional. Therefore, you need to suck it up until we're back home. You can hate me as much as you want there."

   He looked across the table at me and I could clearly see the frustration building up inside of his eyes. He was trying not to explode on me and I was suddenly glad we were in public.

   "Me being quiet is my best bet at sucking it up, London." He replied icily.

   I shook my head. "You're not even trying, they're going to know something's up." I whisper-yelled.

   "At this point, does it look like I give a shit?" His expression alone made it clear that he did not give a rat's ass whether paparazzi found out we were arguing right now. And as time went on, I found myself caring less and less as well.

   In the corner of my eye, I noticed the couple stand to their feet and make their way over to our table. I blinked, not expecting that at all. I swallowed the bite I'd taken after realizing I had no rebuttal to Derick's last statement. He was rightfully angry. I would not succeed in an argument against him right now.

   "Good afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Adams." The woman spoke. Her beauty was absolutely jaw dropping, she was stunning. I hadn't realized that when they were sat at their table.

   "Good afternoon." I replied.

   Derick looked up from his cellular device. "Good afternoo-" Stopping mid reply, he scoffed, rolled his eyes and looked back down with an obviously annoyed expression stuck to his features.

   "You two know each other?" I motioned between them both, just curious.

   "Oh, Derick and I go way back." She replied almost eagerly, looking down at me with a slight smirk. "I'm Julia, Julia Aliston. It's so nice to finally meet the woman that got this one to settle down. I was left back in his party days."

   "It's nice meeting you too." I told her, trying to hide how uncomfortable I was. It felt like I was supposed to be reacting a certain way to her words, I just didn't know how. "And well, what can I say? I guess I'm the lucky one." I smiled at her.

   Cringing. I was cringing intensely on the inside. At this point, I just wanted this entire day to be over with. I wanted to see my friends, to vent, to get all of this off of my chest. Even though all of this just took place today, I felt like I was at the point of an explosion.

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