Take Two.

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I was home and writing up the last of the synopsis for the new competition. My finger hovered above the key which read "enter", and the moment I pressed the button, it went through. I clicked on the button that gave me the option to see things as if I'm a visitor to the site, showing me how the layout would look to others when they come on the webpage. I smiled as my work was done.

I made my way to my refrigerator and grabbed the carton of milk, untwisted the cap and drank right off of the mouth. Call me crazy, but it tasted better this way to me. Finding my way back to my couch and laptop, I refreshed the page.. only to see that the new contest had already gotten at least a few thousand views. My mouth turned up at the corners and I thought to myself how lucky I'd gotten over the years.

It didn't occur to me how serious some people took UTBD until I saw all of the comments and views floating in. The people really seemed to love the idea so far. Of course there were a few bad eggs who, like myself, started asking questions and objecting certain things. But, that was okay. The good outweighed the bad.

The shrill sound of my land phone broke me out of my reverie. I leaned over, holding my carton of milk properly and pressed the phone to my ear.

"Do you see how many views we have already?! You just posted it about five minutes ago. These people are savages." It was Shai and he sounded just as excited as I felt.

I grinned and sipped some of the milk. "You guys have outdone yourselves." I told him, feeling really proud of them.

"Why, thank you. We couldn't have done it without you. And now, I can't wait till the end of the week for the names to be chosen. This'll be grand!" He sounded as though he was losing breath, what with the way he was carrying on. I was use to this though.

"I can't wait to see how the pair will act around each other. They'll probably bite each other's head off." I snorted before taking another sip of the milk.

"Sweetie, we're gonna need a little more optimism from you." He said dryly, causing me to laugh. "Anyways, we're celebrating tonight, or what?" He whoo'd and cheered on the other line. What he didn't know, was that I was about to decline.

"Shai.. you know me. Plus, today was exhausting. I don't know if I'm up for that."

The next thing I heard was an exaggerated sigh. "London, don't make me punch you in the throat. You have a couple thousand views and comments on the new game, which you haven't posted even ten minutes ago. Don't make me find my way to your house and drag you out of it tonight." He threatened. And although it didn't scare me one bit, I did know that Shai was good for it. "We'll go dancing or something."

I chuckled. "You're so damn violent. I'll just sit on your face." I mundanely said and took full pleasure when I heard him intake sharply. I could've laughed.

"You little bitch," He said in a disbelieving tone. "Unless you have a penis, don't you try it."

I burst out laughing then. "You're so gay," I managed through my laughing fit. This was me. At work, I try to be as professional as they come. However, out of work, I tend to let loose and act a little less professional.

He snorted. "Tell me something I don't know, sweet stuff."

I shook my head in amusement. Leave it to Shai to make me laugh. "Sweetie, I've gotta run. Text me the details and I'll be there."

"Thank God. And I'll do just that, come looking like your usual hot self.. maybe you could meet the man of your dreams." He told me. Knowing Shai, he was definitely wearing a smirk right now.

I nearly choked. "Man of my dreams? They don't exist. More like the little shits in my nightmares. Now that sounds more realistic."

"Y'know what, your sass is too much for me. I'll see you later, doll." Shai blew a kiss and I quickly said my goodbyes then we hung up.

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