Take Eleven.

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"You're an itch I can't reach, a wound that won't heal, the smell of skin that's burning.." - Skylar Grey, ft. Marshall Mathers.


   The ride back home was silent. Nothing more, nothing less. Just complete silence. That bothered me, but I didn't know how to speak or even if I did, I wouldn't know what to say. When we got home, I hastily retreated up the stairs and to the master bedroom. The problem? He was following me. Well not following, because this was his room too.

   "London, I'll be damned if you're trying to avoid me." He said, his deep voice following behind me as well.

   "Well, be damned." I mumbled as I stepped into the room. Kicking my shoes off, I picked them up and neatly placed them back inside of their box. My hands found my zipper and I tried to pull it down, only, it wasn't cooperating with me. I'd been standing there for at least two minutes tugging and pulling, and frustration eventually built up inside of me. Unfortunately, the tears that I'd been holding in since seeing Gregg with that bitch finally decided to fall.

   I broke down. In front of Derick. Derick of all people.

   Shocking me, I felt warm hands on my shoulders before I was spinning around and looking into deep, stormy eyes. "Hey, shh, shh," He tried to comfort me. "It's okay. Everything's okay."

   "It's not okay." I pushed against his chest, hiccuping. My voice was filled with tears. "I'm so sorry. I dragged you into an even bigger mess with me, lying on your name to save my pride. I just-" Another hiccuped cry broke off my words. "I hate the fact that he's still affecting me, that I'm still not completely over him. She was wearing the ring he bought for me, you know?" I mentioned as if it mattered. "Why the fuck is everything good happening to him when he's the one that cheated?" I ran my fingers through my hair roughly, nearly yanking a patch out of my head.

   "Hey, London, look at me." Derick's voice was commanding but in a composed way, if that made sense. "Don't worry about what's happening to him. Karma hasn't happened yet, but she doesn't sleep. She will catch up to him. In fact, I think she's just letting him get the idea that nothing will happen to him. She's devising a plan. You'll see, okay?" He looked at me for assurance and I nodded with a hiccup. "And you're human. You were in love with him. It's only natural for you to be hurt to see him moving on. But, didn't you see the look on his face after you said we'd be getting married for real? He looked so hurt. You shouldn't care either way. He doesn't deserve you. He lost his chance. He cheated on you. Just.. keep your head up, London. Forgive him and move on."

   My eyes shot open. "Forgive him?! Did I not tell you what he did to me?!"

   "And I hate saying this, but there are people who've been done worse. That's not the point I was trying to make though. My point is, the longer and more you hate him, the more power you're giving to him. That means he can say or do anything and it can affect you. Do you really want him having so much power over you? I think not. But, do you really want to see him hurt? If so, you need to move on. When he sees that you have, he'll be done for. After he realizes that the things he does aren't bothering you, he'll feel so stupid."

   I nodded my head, taking in everything he was saying. He was making so much sense, that it hurt. I brought my hand up to wipe away my tears. There was no longer a reason to cry. "Thanks for sticking up for me, by the way. I needed that. I also need to commend you on your acting. It almost seemed as though you didn't hate me." I laughed at what I'd said. Derick and I were learning how to be civil around one another, but that didn't mean that we were beginning to like one another.

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