Chapter Eighteen

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Liam's POV

Adam stands before me with his arms stiff at his sides and his fists clenched. I feel Hailee's grip on the back of my shirt tighten and I can tell she's gonna put up as big of a fight as I am to keep her with me. 

"Just give her to me and we can all go back to our lives without any harm." He says and I get in his face.

"You think I'm just gonna hand my girlfriend back over to you so we can live without harm!? ARE YOU INSANE?!" My voice raises and Scarlett looks terrified. I know Hailee is probably scared too but I won't let her leave with this man.

"Liam..." Scarlett says and I snap my eyes to her. She better not be on his side.

"DON'T 'LIAM' ME! I'M NOT LETTING HER GO WITH HIM!" I shout at her and she looks like she's on the verge of tears for the tenth time tonight. Emotional much?

I watch as Adam pushes me aside to get to Hailee and I yank him back by his shirt. He flies back onto the ground and I get on top of him, straddling his torso. I start pounding my fists against his face, causing blood to spur out of his nose and the wounds I'm causing on his face. 

I loose track of how many punches actually hit his face and I slow down a little bit to watch the blood come out of the open wounds on his face. Just as I'm about to start hitting his face again, he flips over on to me and starts to punch my face. 

As he punches me, I feel the blood pouring from my nose and I can taste it as it drips onto my lips. My navy blue t-shirt has mine and Adam's blood on it. 

I can hear Hailee sobbing and screaming for him to get off of me or to stop. I groan in pain and I feel like a punching bag. As he continues punching my face, my vision starts to turn black and everything hurts. I cough again and spit up blood. 

When I hear sirens, Adam stops using me as his punching bag and gets off. I double over in pain and I hear someone run up to me. When I hear the voice, I realize it's Hailee. She's sobbing and I feel her tears on my face.

Hailee's POV

"Stay with me, baby. Liam! Look at me!" I sob. His face is totally busted up. He's bleeding from his nose and the cuts from Adam's fists.

"I love you so much Liam. You're gonna be okay." I sob even harder and I'm not sure if he can understand my words. I take his head into my lap and begin to rock back and forth, waiting for the paramedics to show up. Scarlett called them a few minutes ago and I heard the sirens but I don't think they know where we are.

His breathing is slowing and I know he's on the verge of going unconscious. Adam beat him up really good. Liam only got a few good hits but it was still enough to stun him until Adam flipped him over and started banging on Liam's face.

 Scarlett stands by the passenger car door with her arms crossed against her chest, firmly. I look at her with total disgust. I can't believe she isn't over here. 

The paramedics finally show up and they rush out of the back of the truck with a stretcher. A young man, about as tall as Liam, comes over to me and tells me that they're gonna take him to North Bay Hospital a few miles north from here. I nod and let them take Liam off my lap. 

Liam grunts as they set him gently on the stretcher. I watch as they wheel him quickly over to the ambulance and lift him into the back. I tell the paramedic, that I spoke to earlier, that I would meet them at the hospital. He nods and climbs into the back of the ambulance. I turn around and run my fingers through my hair, letting out a big breath I didn't know I was holding in.

My life just got flipped upside down.

Hey guys! So here's the update! Let me know what you think in the comments and I'll update soon! <3

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