Chapter Thirteen

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Liam's P.O.V

Once I ended the call with Hailee, I immediately called Jacob, telling him he needed to come over as soon as possible. I didn't explain why he needed to come, but he came over anyway. I had to tell him about the call from Hailee and I had to make up a plan.

Within five minutes of making the call, the door bell rang, signaling Jacob's arrival. I jogged to the front door. I open it to find Jacob standing with his back to me. He turns around and his eyes are full of concern.

"Have you heard from Hailee? Is she okay? I have been worried sick about her." He says as he walks into the quiet house. I'm sure my face is red and puffy from crying the last twenty minutes while I listened to Hailee's whimpers and cries.

"Yeah. I have something to show you." I say and he turns around to look at me as he walks into the living room." Follow me." 

He follows me as I walk to my room, which is slightly messy but I couldn't care less. I sit on the bed, grabbing my phone, which is lying face down in front of me. He sits down in front of me. I find the recording and hand it to him. He looks down at the phone in my hands and then up to me. 

"What is it?" He asks. His eyes travel back down at the phone as he takes it from my hands. 

I take a deep breath before answering his question," I got a call from... Hailee's phone this morning." I say, my voice cracking. I look away from him as he presses play and the recording begins to play through the phone's speaker.

As it plays, you can hear my voice booming through the speaker and Hailee's soft voice in the background. Then she begins to cry and whimper in pain and that's when the pain kicks in. I grab the pillow behind me and hold it to my chest as if it's Hailee. Her dirty blonde hair sprawled across my chest and her warm body held closely to mine. 


"What if we just ran away together? Just got out of here and went anywhere. Started our lives somewhere new. Without any drama or problems. Just a clean slate." Hailee says as I run my hands through her hair. Her head is on my chest and her body is against mine. 

The thought of us running away together to start our lives somewhere new sounds perfect. But what would happen with our lives here? What would our parents think? What would our parents' lives be like without us here?Why does she feel the need to get away from here?

"Do you not like it here?" I ask.

She waits a few minutes before she responds." I do. I just have been here my entire life. I want to explore the world, see what's out there."

"Well," I said, kissing her forehead."If you had the chance, where would you go?" I asked her, curiously. 

"I've always wanted to live in a small town where you can walk every where. Like Amsterdam would be perfect." She says, pulling out of my arms so she can look at me. Her soft brown eyes look into mine and I smile.

"Amsterdam, huh?" I say and she smiles, nodding her head." Well. How about we go check it out first before we just leave and it's not where you want to be?" I suggest and her eyes widen in shock.

"Are you serious?" She asks and I nod my head."AH! Liam!" She screams and I chuckle. Her eyes begin to tear up and I pull her up on my lap, bringing her in for a hug. She wraps her arms around my neck in a tight grip as I wrap my arms around her waist. She is smiling really big. 

I want her to be happy, always.


We should have ran away sooner before this happened. We should have just left before anyone could've stopped us. This would've never happened to her. We would be happy.

"Oh my, God."I hear Jacob say under his breath as he hears Hailee scream in pain over and over again. I look down at the pillow against my chest. I close my eyes, just listening to the recording.

My tears begin to fall onto the pillow as I hear her say my name into the phone. All I wanted, at that moment, was to hear her voice.

A few minutes of silence passed once the recording was done before Jacob spoke up."What are you gonna do with this?" I look at him.

"I'm gonna find her." I said, determined." I can have the police track her phone and that will give us her location. But I need your help."

"Of course. Anything to get her back safe." He says and I nod.

"Well, when we find out where she's at, you and I are going to go to that location and rescue her. I have a feeling it's not gonna be that easy but, we will make it work." I inform him my plan.

"Do you have any idea who this guy is? Is Hailee this guy's only victim?" He asks, worried. He never loses eye contact with me.

"I have no clue but I have a feeling this guy is the one we saw at the beach." I tell him.

"Why would you say that?" He asks. Why would I say that? Oh, I don't know. Maybe because of the fact that he looked at her like he was claiming her and the fact that he tried to kidnap her while we were ordering food!

"Did you see the way he looked at her? He also attempted to kidnap her while we were ordering food! I feel like I've seen him before, but I can't think of his name or how I know him." I tell him.

 "You think the guy we saw at the beach is the same guy who kidnapped Hailee at the club?" Jacob says, calmly. How is he so calm? His best friend is missing and he is calm?!

"It doesn't matter! How can you be so calm about this?" I say, my voice raising."It shouldn't matter who the guy is. He kidnapped my girlfriend and he's going to pay for it!" I ball my fists at my sides. My anger builds up inside of me and I almost punch the wall next to me. I make eye contact with him and I'm sure I look frightening. The veins in my arms are bulging out of my skin and my fingertips are tearing into the skin on my palms.

"I'm sorry. I'm just trying to get this all worked out in my head." He says and looks down at the floor. I slow my breathing and release my fists. I run my hand through my hair and blow out a breath I didn't know I was holding in. 

"We better get started." I say, flatly. I grab my keys and phone as Jacob stands up from my bed. I walk out to my truck, Jacob following me. I open the black door and climb in. Jacob walks to his truck behind mine and gets in.

My phone notifies me that I have a text message as I look into my rear view mirror. I pick it up and unlock the screen with the swipe of my thumb.  I click on the screen and it directs me to my messages. Unknown. I immediately think of the Unknown messages that Hailee was getting and press the tab on the screen. 

Unknown: Meet me at the boating docks around 7pm.


 Hey guys! Sorry for the long wait. I just wanted it to be good. Please comment and vote. I'll update soon :)


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