Chapter Fourteen

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Liam's POV

Unknown: Meet me at the boating docks around 7pm.

I read the message over and over again until it's burned into my mind. The boating docks? What's so interesting about the boating docks?

 While wondering why this unknown number wants me to go the boating docks at 7, another message comes through from the same number.

Unknown: I'll bring her too.

Is he talking about Hailee? It has to be. Who else would he be talking about? I have to try to get her back. I will do anything to get her back.

I look at my rear view mirror to find Jacob sitting in his truck waiting for me to give him the cue to go. I need to show the police the recording and I have to ask them to track her phone.

Hailee's POV

"Your boyfriend... Is my nephew," Scarlett says and my head snaps back to look at her. What did she say? Did I hear her correctly? 

"I'm not sure I heard you correctly," A nervous laugh escapes my mouth as I say the words. 

"I'm Liam's aunt." She says and I throw my head back and laugh.

"I think you are thinking of another Liam. Liam doesn't have an aunt Scarlett." I tell her. Liam has never brought up an aunt Scarlett. She's not his aunt.

"That's because his family now won't let me see him." She says, sadly. What did she mean by "family now"? Liam has an aunt he's never met?

"What do you mean?" I say, concerned. She could've done something to Liam and now his family won't let her see him because of it. If she did, now I'm stuck down here with her.

She takes a deep breath before answering," Liam is adopted. His adopted family won't let me see him. I have no idea why but they won't let me anywhere near him." 

Liam's adopted? His "parents" aren't his real parents. He's never met his real mom and dad.

"Does he know?" My voice breaks and tears begin to stain my cheeks.

"No. That's what makes it even worse." She says and her eyes travel to the floor.

"Why was he adopted? Why did his parents put him up for adoption?" I feel like all I'm doing is asking questions. 

"He didn't have a choice," She says and my eyes dart to her face."His mother's heart stopped while giving birth to him and his father left his mom when she found out she was pregnant with Liam."

My heart dropped to the pit of my stomach and I thought about getting sick, but nothing came up. Liam's birth mom died before she could even see her own son. The thought of Liam never being able to see his real mom is unbearable. Why have his adopted parents not told him that he's adopted or that his biological mother is dead? His biological father could still be out there and Liam has no idea who this guy even is.

Wait. Scarlett said something about her younger sister dying of thyroid cancer when she was 17. Could that mean that she got pregnant while she was battling the cancer and no one knew about the pregnancy except Scarlett?

"Liam's mom is Alex. Your sister that died of cancer when she was 17?" I say. Puzzle pieces begin to fit together and it all makes sense now. But there still is one remaining question that I can't seem to figure out: Why would Adam want to kidnap his nephew's girlfriend?

"Yeah," Her voice trails off and her eyes make contact with mine."But she didn't die of the cancer. She died because she bled out. I was there, traumatized by watching my own sister bleed to death and I couldn't even help."

"I'm sorry," is all I'm able to say while she sobs in pain. I've never been good with comforting people when I've never been in their situation. My heart aches for Scarlett and I can't help but hug her tightly as she sobs into my shoulder. Watching your own sibling suffer slowly has to be the hardest thing to remove from your mind. I can only imagine how much pain she was, and still is, in.

As I am hugging Scarlett, my eyes travel to the figure standing on the other side of the room. I stare at the figure until it hovers over to the light coming from the small window. It takes me to realize who this hovering figure is until it turns to face me. Eleanor.

Wait. She's hovering above the ground. Eleanor's a ghost?! So much has happened in the last 24 hours and my brain is on overload right now.

Scarlett begins to pull out of my embrace and she sniffles while wiping her eyes. She's a wreck and I feel horrible for all the pain she's had through her life.

"I'm gonna rest. I'm pretty tired since I didn't sleep at all last night." Scarlett informs me as she walks to the opposite side of the room. I watch as she curls up in a ball and places her arms under her head for support. She probably isn't gonna sleep much since she's laying on cold concrete. From my experience, concrete isn't the most comfortable thing to sleep on. God, I can't wait to get out of here and back home to my own bed.

"So.. I see you've traded me in," I hear Eleanor's voice, which isn't soft and comforting like it usually is. It's broken.

"Where have you been? Why haven't I seen you in what feels like a lifetime?!" I whisper, loudly. "Are you dead?"

I watch as my questions ricochet off of her. "I don't know Hailee. DO I LOOK DEAD TO YOU?!" She yells and my bottom lip trembles. "I'm lost! I can't find my way to the other world and I'm stuck here in this place! I DIED IN THAT FREAKING CHAIR THERE!" She points to the chair in the center of the room. The same chair I was tied to. "I need help Hailee! HELP ME!"

She stays a few feet away from me but I feel like she's stabbing me in the chest over and over again. The pain growing more and more with each plea.

"Eleanor. I'm sorry-" She cuts me off.

"You know, that's what they all say. It gets old when that's all people hear. Like I'm sure Scarlett has heard it way too many times because of her sister."

 "Eleanor. I know you're lost and I'm sorry about that. I want to help you but I'm not sure if I can-" She cuts me off again.

"You have to, Hailee. You're the only one who can help me!"

"I'm not like you Eleanor! I want to help you! I want you to make it to the other side! You shouldn't have to stay here and be reminded of all the things he did to you! That's unfair!"

"I know but what if I never escape this place. What if I never make it to the next place?" She asks and I feel myself breaking. Why does everyone want to rely on me?

"I'll make you a deal, okay?" She nods in agreement."Can you help me escape from here?"

Heyy Guys! So ALOT of things happened in this chapter! Did you guys think Eleanor was a ghost? Please vote and comment and I'll update soon! Love you guys!

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