Chapter Twenty-Two

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Hailee's POV

After watching too many trees pass the window on my left, we stop in front of a house that apears to be charcoaled and looks like it could collapse at any minute. Why are we even here? Why did he take me with him again? What's the point? He can't get away with murdering me... Can he?

Adam throws his door open with so much force that it nearly comes off the hinges, and opens my door. He grabs my taped hands and yanks me from the backseat.

The sun has completely set behind the line of trees around this cardboard house. As I look around more at the scenery, I feel like I'm in a horror movie and the killer is waiting just beyond the door, or he could be right next to me, dragging me towards the house. His grip on my arm is tightening by the second and the bruises from the last time were just healing, now they're reforming. I wince at his rough grip.

As we near the door, I begin to panic even more. My last breath will be in this cabin, out in these dark woods. What did I do to deseve this? Tears start forming in my eyes. I won't be able to say goodbye to anyone.

Adam yanks the door open and we find darkness. Silence surrounds us. I'm confused. Why are we here? The light switches on and that's when everything clicks. This is my parents' cabin. I spent most of my childhood here with my family. Many memories were made here and also I've been scarred for life by what's happened here.

Around the year 2005, someone was smoking a cigarette and it hadn't rained in forever so everything was dry. When they discarded it, they didn't stomp it out. They left it there to burn and it ended up catching the cabin on fire. It caught my bedroom on fire first. I was sleeping at the time and I almost didn't make it out of the house alive. I've been traumatized, I won't even come close to a stove or a bonfire.I can't do this. I attempt to free his grip on my arm. I have to get out of here!

"Looks familiar doesn't it, sweetheart?" Adam's calm voice sends shivers down my spine and I can't breathe. The large lump in my throat is making it so I can't speak or scream. I whimper, which is the only thing I can do in my emotional state at the moment. I can't be in here anymore!

"Oh, no, sweetheart. You're not getting away this time," he says with a hint of venom laced on his breath as he leans in real close to me.

"I have something to show you," he adds. My body goes cold and goosebumps form all over my pale skin. He takes my hand and I brace myself now for what he's about to show me. He walks through a familiar hallway and into the kitchen, walking straight to the door in the back. Most would mistake it as a pantry, but that was far from what it was.

The cellar. Oh my god. He's taking me to the cellar. I do my best to appear unaffected as he opens the door and we walk down the steep stairs. I get an eerie feeling that something is awfully wrong here.

The stairs creak with every step we take and I feel like if I move one more inch, I may go through the entire staircase. Once we reach the bottom, Adam flips the light switch and I scream, a blood-curdling scream. My parents are tied to chairs with blood stains on both of their clothes.

"Mom! Dad!!" I scream and rush over to them.

My mom has a large bruise on the right side of her cheek and her body is limp in the chair. Her eyes are wide open and the dark brown that used to have filled them is now a cloudy grey. The blood has drained from her body from some gash on the back of her head.

My father, on the other hand, is breathing, but I doubt he'll live through the night with the way his pulse feels. He's unconscious but still alive. My body shakes in hysterical sobs as I lay my head in my father's lap, not knowing what to do.

"Liam," I croak out and then realize he's not here. I sob harder. My life is crumbling to a million pieces and I cannot stop it. Everything is spiraling out of control.

"Sweetheart," Adam says and I know he's right behind me. "He isn't going to find you." His hand lightly strokes my hair and I want him to keep his filthy hands off of me.

"Get away from me!!" I scream and push at his chest. "I want to be alone as I mourn over what's happened to my family. What is so god damn difficult about that?!"

Adam's eyes blaze and I know what's bound to come. But what I expect to happen is nothing like what reality decides. His hands find the hem of his t-shirt and underneath is a gun.

(Thanks for 5k guys! OMG I feel so proud of myself! I love you all so much! Please vote and comment if you like it!)

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