Chapter Seven

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Liam's P.O.V.

I stare, heartbroken, at the sight of Hailee crouching on the ground like a tiny little girl. She turns around to face me and the look on her face is terrified. What did I miss? Why is she so scared? It's just me.

"Hailee.. Are you okay, Princess?" I ask, concerned of what her answer might be. She is sobbing and she leaps into my arms. Something bad has happened and I wasn't there to save her. What is wrong with me?

"Liam.. Oh my God... I haven't been so happy to see you in my entire life." She tells me and I know she isn't okay.

"Babe, tell me what happened." I tell her and she backs out of my arms so she can see my face.

"You know the male that scared the crap out of me when we got here?" She asks and I nod my head." When you guys were gone, I was messing with my surfboard and I felt someone put there arm around my waist and a hand cover my mouth. I automatically freaked out and head butted the guy. He released me from his grip slightly and I ran, looking frantically for either one of you. But I couldn't find you anywhere." She rushes. She is upset with me and I am upset with myself. This guy has the nerves to put his hands on my girlfriend and then attempts to kidnap her. Who does this guy think he is?

"I can't believe he almost got his way with attempting to kidnap you and I wasn't even aware of what was going on... Unbelievable." I mumble and I look at her and she is heartbroken. I don't think she realizes how messed up this really is. I hear footsteps behind me and I look back. Jacob looks confused and worried because of the look on Hailee's face.

"What is going on?" He asks. Hailee looks up and she puts on a fake smile, to pretend everything is fine. I look back at her and she is staring at Jacob, still fake smiling.

"Nothing.. Everything is fine." She lies and we both have known her long enough to know she's lying.

"No it's not, Hailee. Don't lie to me." Jacob says and she looks at him and her smile fades, realizing that she is a horrible liar.

She begins to retell the whole story and when she was done, Jacob had the same expression I had, distraught and unsure of how to react. I knew that man would attempt to get close to her again. I should've sent Jacob to get the food and I could've stayed out here with her. This would never have happened if one of us stayed out here with her. I keep thinking of all the possibilities that would've happened if Jacob or I stayed out here with her.

"What? How? I don't understand.. We weren't even in there long.. I knew I should've stayed out here with you.. I knew that guy was trouble the first time I saw him." Jacob says and I nod my head.

"Can we just drop the topic and can we go?" Hailee asks, tired and ready to leave. I look at her, wide eyed and she looks at me confused.

"You think I can drop the topic of my girlfriend almost getting kidnapped by a crazy guy?!" I shout and she looks upset.

"I didn't mean it that way." She says quietly, turning her head away from me. I get up and walk to the truck with Jacob and Hailee following. Hailee sits in the back and Jacob sits in the front seat. I know Hailee doesn't want to talk about the incident that just happened an hour ago with me because she knows that I'm guilty for not being there when she needed me but, I couldn't just drop it like she wanted me to. The car ride was silent.

Hailee's P.O.V.

I feel bad for Liam because I know he isn't just going to drop the incident as quickly as I want him to. He's probably felling guilty for not being there when I needed him but I know that if he was there that he would've fought for me. I know I mean everything to him and he is my everything. I need him.

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