Chapter Three

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"Hey" Liam says, breaking the silence between us. He opens his arms and I walk into them. His muscular arms engulf my small form and I am trapped in between his chest and arms.

"Hi" I reply, my voice muffled from his chest. He squeezes me once more before releasing me from him.

"Are you ready?" he asks holding out his hand for me to take. He is so good looking.

"Uh... Yeah I am gonna go say bye to mom." I inform him as I walk over to mom, who is on the couch reading a book. I kiss her forehead and take Liam's hand as we walk to his black Dodge pick-up truck.

He opens the door for me and I climb in. He let's go of my hand before he shuts my door. My eyes follow him as he walks around the front of the truck. When he gets in, he looks over at me and just smiles.

"I have missed you." he says with a crooked smile. His pacific blue eyes piercing my dark brown ones. I can't help but smile back.

"I have missed you too!" I blush and hold his hand as he grabs his neon blue and red ball cap from the dash. He puts it on causing his curls to stick out from the openings. My phone vibrates in my pocket and I dig my free hand into my pocket and grab it, never letting go of Liam's hand.

When I finally unlock my phone, I go straight to my messages. It seems like forever when my phone shows me my messages. As I look at the screen, my eyes go wide. Unknown is printed in bold letters on the screen.

"What's the matter, Princess?" Liam asks, worriedly. I give him a weird look.

"What could be wrong? I am here with you.. Nothing could be wrong." I inform him, sounding as calm as possible, even though I should be freaking out. He shrugs in response and I look back down at my phone.

I choose to ignore it. I will look at it later. I look out the window and I have a million things going through my mind. How did this person get my number? Are my friends pulling a prank on me?

"Liam?" I ask. He looks over at me with a concerned look on his face. He squeezes my hand and I squeeze right back.

"Yeah?" He responds. He has one hand on the wheel and he shifts uncomfortably in his seat.

"Have you ever had an unknown number repeatedly text you?" I ask, curiously. As we pull into the parking lot of the field, he looks at me with a confused expression, clear on his face.

"Uh... no" He says. He takes a few seconds to reply. He parks and as the roaring engine dies down he turns in his seat to face me. I turn towards him in my seat and we make eye contact.

"Well... I started getting text messages from an Unknown number a few nights ago. The Unknown number knows my name and what I look like but I have no idea who they are. They said they wouldn't leave me alone until they got what they wanted which I have no clue what that means and... and I just... I don't know why they chose me." I ramble off. When I finish, Liam is just staring at me pale faced, wide eyed, and his grip on my hand is tighter than I remembered.

"Um... I don't know what to say. We are gonna block this person and hopefully they don't attempt to contract you again. Can I see your phone?" He asks. I have no problem handing him my phone because I'm not hiding anything from him. He blocks the Unknown person and hands my phone back to me. I feel less scared and I feel safe now.

As I watch him get out of the truck and walk around the front, I see the corner of his lips turn up in a smile and I wonder what he is thinking. I wonder if I'm the only one clogging his mind like he is mine. I can't help but smile at the thought of me being the only thing he thinks about.

He opens my door and reaches for my hand. I grab it and climb out. I turn around to shut the door but Liam shuts it before I can do anything. As we walk towards the field, us holding hands and Liam dragging his baseball bag behind his back with his left hand,I hear screaming and cheering, stomping of feet on metal bleachers, and umps calling balls and strikes.

As we near the dugout, he turns and pulls me into a hug. I automatically hug him back without even thinking about it. I inhale his minty scent and he notices, pulling me in closer to him. I consecutively inhale and exhale before he let's me go.

"C'mon Payne! Let's go get you warmed up!" His coach commands from the dugout. He kisses me on the lips quickly before heading into the dugout.

I find a spot on the bleachers and sit down. I pull out my phone to check my Twitter and Facebook as I wait for the game to begin.

"Game on!" I hear the ump shout from the field. Both teams huddle up around the coaches as they have a pep talk. As the players run onto the field, I see Liam run up to the pitchers mound. He takes a few deep breaths before lunging the ball towards the catcher within the blink of an eye. That was only a warm up?

The opposing team is batting first. As the first batter walks up to home plate, he took a few practice swings and he looked ready. His hands turned white as he holds the bat with a death grip. He stares at Liam and waits for the ball patiently.

Liam brings his knee to his chest and lunges the ball in a very swift movement. With the blink of an eye, the catcher has the ball in his mitt.

"STRIKE!!" Shouts the ump as the batter walks over to the side, practicing his swings again. The catcher throws the ball back to Liam.

"C'mon babe! You can do this!" I encourage Liam. The sides of his lips turn up into a smile as a sing that he heard me. I smile.

Liam stands up there nice and tall with his mitt and ball against his chest. The batter walks slowly up to the home plate. He puts his hands on his bat and looks at Liam, ready to hit that ball hard.

Liam lunges the ball towards the home plate and the batter swings but misses and the ball lands right in the catcher's mitt. The batter sighs in defeat, knowing he isn't going to be able to hit the ball.

When the opposing team gets three outs, it's our turn to bat. The first batter has curly blonde hair and is very tall. He walks up to the player and swings a few times for practice. I assumed his name was Matt because everyone was shouting his name.

When the pitcher throws the ball, Matt hits the ball with so much force that it soared through the air. He drops his bat and charges for first base. The ball rolled pretty far, so Matt darted to second base. By the time the play was over, Matt had made it to third base.

When I look over at the dugout, I see Liam leaning against the fence distracted by the game. I smile and he slowly stands back up and looks over at me. We meet eye contact. Before looking away, he winks at me and my smile grows. I melt on the inside. He is so hot.



By the end of the game, the score was 15-10. Liam's team only won by 5 point but both teams played really well. The opposing team looked defeated. Liam, being Liam, went over to the opposing team and congratulated them for playing well. It was a tough game.

I meet Liam outside of the dugout. As he walks toward me, I smile and he smiles back. I wrap my arms around him, pulling him closer to me.

"That was a tough game." I said. My voice muffled from his chest in my face. He presses his lips to my forehead and I squeeze him tighter.

"Eh. It wasn't that tough. Your encouragements helped me." he says and I let go of him, grab his hand, and head for the truck.

My phone vibrates in my pocket and I grab it with my free hand. I punch in my password and click on my messages. My eyes widen as I glance at the screen.

UnknownDid you miss me?





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