Chapter 16- Love Isn't A Choice (Part 1)

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Troye's POV

As I walk into her room, I see her in bed under the covers with tear stained cheeks.

I walked over to her bed and kneeled down next to her.

I pushed away a piece of hair that had fallen in front of her face. She is still so beautiful. I always thought she was beautiful.

I kissed her cheek and walked out of the room and down the stairs. Amber was pacing around the kitchen making the lights flicker.

"Your doing it again" I said as I walked over to the fridge and grabbed a water.

"Doing wha-oh. Sorry." She replied. What's wrong with Amber now ?

"What's wrong ?" I asked hoping that it didn't have anything to do with Aleah. I want her to stay. I need her to stay.

"Troye" she sobbed and fell to the floor.

I quickly got by her side and helped her up.

"What is it ?" I asked worried.

"I-I cheated on you" she said in between sobs.

I pushed her out my arms and walked to the stairs ready to go up when she grabbed my arm.

"Troye please I'm sorry I-"

"With who"

"What ?"

"With. Who. Amber."

"Troye I don't really-"


"Caspar." She whispered under her breathe.

Caspar. Caspar Lee. I hadn't told him about Amber and I given I haven't seen him in awhile. Caspar might be a slut but he would never go after one of his friends girlfriends purposely !


"We'll talk about it later Amber" I said clearly annoyed. I just can't deal with this right now.

"Troye please I'm so sorry."

"Sorry ? Sorry ?! You think 'sorry' is going to fix this !? Just don't Amber."


"Don't Amber !" I shout one more time and walk up the stairs ignoring what she's saying. Once I'm at the top I hear the front door slam. Meaning that...she's gone.

I sigh and go to my room. I plop on my bed and put my earbuds in. Music always makes me feel better.

Aleah was the one that made me get into music. She told me that my voice could put her at peace. Make her feel better.

She was the first one that I told about #TRXYE. She was so excited.

I'm not really all that upset that Amber cheated on me. I really don't know why. I thought I loved her ?

I pulled out my earbuds and walked over to Aleah's room. She was pacing in her room. I think she heard.

"A-Aleah ?" Why am I so nervous ?!

"Troye ! Hi " she definitely knows.

"I'm guessing you heard me and-" I was cut off by her running up and hugging me.

"I'm so sorry Troye." She squeezed me like she was never gonna let me go. This brought me back to the time when my first girlfriend broke my heart and she was there telling me she wasn't worth it.

"Troye don't worry you'll work it out." She whispered still clung on to me for dear life.

"I-I don't want to work it out." I said to my surprise.

"Wha-what do you mean ?" She asked pulling away with her hands still rested on my shoulders.


*scene change*

Amber's POV

"Caspar I have to tell you something." I feel so bad. How could I do that to Troye ! How could I do that to Caspar !

"Yes ?" He replied with a smile on his face.

"I'm- was dating Troye."

"Troye Sivan ? Amber ! How could you do that to him !"

"Caspar I'm sorry ! I feel awful ! It was because Aleah was there and I felt like he was gonna cheat on me and I wanted to do it first but he didn't and now I'm the bad guy and...I just don't know what to do." I sobbed into his pillow.

"I am one of Troye's good friends. He didn't deserve that. I forgive you. But I don't know if Troye will." He said. Everything being the truth.

I don't deserve Troye. I never did. Aleah does. She's been through so much and they were always meant for each other.

"Your right Caspar. I'm really sorry" I said calming down and saying everything sincerely.

"It's okay." He said engulfing me in a hug.

"Whatever happens happens for the best." He whispered while rubbing my back.

"Thank you Caspar." I said getting up and leaving. I need to talk to Troye.


Hello everyone ! So this is part 1 of this chapter since their is so much to write ! I really REALLY like this chapter ! I'm still deciding team #Teah or #Tamber ! I will be updating again today for part 2 so stay tuned ! Haha. I go back to school in like 2 days ! That's why I'm flooding you guys with long and early updates. Hope you guys like it !!

Make sure to vote, comment, and keep reading ! BYYYEEEE

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