Chapter 22

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The boys and I all walked towards the pizza parlor. We sat in the back booth and started talking about The Walking Dead filming.

"Wait so you and Chandler are from The Walking Dead!?" Michael asked surprised.

"Yeah how didn't you recognize us?" I asked thinking this kid does not know faces very well.

"You guys did look familiar but I didn't think it was actually you guys!!"

We all laughed. He was kinda really funny. I looked at Sam. He had a hint of jealousy in his eyes.

I glanced him a 'what's wrong?' look. He just looked away eating his pizza. Chandler started to speak.

"Guys so there's a party. I'm not going to say where! Buttttttt we should totally go!!"

"I'm in." I hear Michael say.

"Me too" Sam replied second.

"Why the hell not!" Haley pitched in third. They all looked at me.

"Uhh..." Last time we went to a party Sam cheated on me.

"Sure?" I half said half questioned.

I feel as if that was a bad idea though.



"Hey Jess. " Michael walked up behind me as I was dancing with some senior boys.

"Hey Michael." I slurred a little. Having some drinks turned into about 30 beers and like 25 shots.

"I think you should come with me."

I followed him to the porch.

"Whatcha nee-" I got cut off by his lips. I didn't kiss back. It just didn't feel right. In that moment anyways. I looked at him after he gave up.

I felt tears sting my eyes. I was sober again. I ran out into the street. Trying to figure out where I was. I started running to the right.

I ended up at the school. Which was over 10 miles from my house. Just when I thought it couldn't get worse it started to pour rain outside.

"Just fucking great!" I mumble to myself. I started towards my house.

I started to think to myself.

"Why. Why did he have to kiss me. ? Why did I have to run. Why did I have to be so stupid. Why the fuck is it raining!! Where the hell is everyone when I fucking need them!!" I noticed that the rain stopped and the wetness on my face were hot salty tears.

About an hour later I found myself in front of Sam's house. I took my phone out of my pocket and called him.

"Hello?" Sam's sleepy voice said through the phone.

"Hey. I'm outside your house. " I said trying to sound normal.

"I'll be out with sweat pants and a sweat shirt." Sam's worried voice faded as he hung up.

Sam was out within minutes.

"Come here." He knew there was something wrong because of my swollen, blood shot eyes.

He embraced me into a hug. I broke down. Soaking his skin with my tears.

"It's okay baby girl. It's okay" I just wanted things to be like this again.

I mean why couldn't they be?


Sorry I haven't updated in like ages!! But I love you all soooo much!!


We accept the love we think we deserve (Sam Daniel and Hayes Grier)Where stories live. Discover now