Chapter 17

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Jessica's P.O.V

I've been waiting for the One Direction boys to take a break because I needed to know something. I ran up to Lou and Harry.
"Uh.. Hey guys can I talk to you two.?" They nodded. We went to a room in the club.
"Okay. I've been a fan for a while! And I need to know!! Is Larry real..?!"
They both sighed.
"Larry is... Real!"
I started to scream!! "I knewwww ittttttt!!!!!" I said poking there sides!! They laughed.!

I walked back to the dance floor where I saw Haley making out with a boy.
I tapped on her shoulder. Then I saw who it was. It was Taylor Caniff. I laughed.

She just shook her head. I walked away. I saw Chandler sitting by himself.
"Yo chan! Baby!! What's wrong?" I said trying to sound Italian.
"It's.. Just.. I like this girl. But she doesn't like me. And I've likes her since the day I laid eyes on her. But one of my best friend's are already dating her. I don't know what to do."

I just say speechless. There were only two options. It was either Kelly or I. And i wanted to know.


"Uh.. I was afraid you would ask me that.."

I looked at the floor.

"Who Chandler.?" I asked once again.

"You." I could here the disappointment in his voice.

Damn. Boys need to learn that I'm not someone you like. I'm not pretty nor funny or the least bit attractive in anyway shape or form.

Lets name the boys who like me. (That I know of)
1. Sam
2. Chandler
3. Hayes.

Is there anyone else I should know of. I looked up to see Chandler was gone. I sighed. I walked outside for some fresh air when I found myself walking to a beach. I looked at the water it was so beautiful.

I felt my pone vibrating. I got a text from Hayes.

To: Booboo😘❤:
From: Hayes is da bomb❤:

Where you at.?

To: Hayes is the bomb❤:
From: Booboo😘❤:

At the beach. Will you come and hang out with my depressing ass.?

To: Booboo😘❤:
From: Hayes is the bomb❤:

Okey I'll see you soon boo😘

I didn't bother texting him back. I just took my shoes off and started to bury them in the sand. I felt tears start to sting my eyes.

Why couldn't just one guy I like me. Just ONE! I didn't want me two best friends to like me. I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned to see Hayes. I wiped away my tears.

"Hey. Jess what's wrong.?" He sounded worried.

"Nothing I was just thinking about my sister. " He just nodded. We were looking out at the beach when Hayes put his arm around my waist. I out my head on his chest.

I'm not sure who I like anymore. Maybe going somewhere will be good. No boys. Just Rhegan, Kelly, Callie, Poppy, Kat taylor haley and I. But I'll think of these plans tomorrow.

"We should probably get back." Hayes said.

"Carry me!". I replied.

Hate picked my shoes, phone and me up. He carried my back to the club.

"I wanna go home Hayes. Just not my home here. My home back in Bradford!" I started to cry again. I just wanted everything back to normal with Mom, Dad, Ashley and I. No one or thing to interrupt our family.

But nothing is perfect right.?

We accept the love we think we deserve (Sam Daniel and Hayes Grier)Where stories live. Discover now