Chapter 11

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Jessica's P.O.V

I woke up. I didn't feel good. I knew I wasn't going to be able to go to school. I got up and walked into my bathroom. I grabbed the thermometer and put it in my mouth. I had a temp. of 110. I couldn't believe it. I ran to Becky's room. I showed her the thermometer. She felt my forehead. "Go to bed." I walked to my room. I later down. I decided to text Sam And Chandler. Even Callie and Kelly.

Group chat with. Chandler😘❤, Your sexy beast Sammy😘😍💜, Kellers💩 and Callmer😘😍

Jessica) Hey I'm not going to school😔. Got a fever of 110. Love you all😘❤

Kellers💩)Kay. Ill miss you!!!

Callmer😘😍) ill come over after school and give you your home work.

Chandler😘❤) Okay. Ill make you some soup after school.

Your Sexy Beast Sammy😘😍💜) I'm skipping school to stay with you. Ill help you get better baby. See you in 5.

Jessica) Kelly. Okay. Callie. Thanks. Chandler! DO NOT!! Sam you don't have to!! Go to school!!

Your Sexy Beast Sammy😘😍💜) I'm at your door!! Your mother let me in. Im by your door. I'm walking in.

Sam came into my room. "Sam!! Go to school!!" "No I'm staying with you!!!" I just ignored him. I got up and went to the bathroom. I threw up a lot. Sam came and held my hair back for me. After I was done I fell to the floor. Then everything went black.

Sam's P.O.V

Jessica was sick. I went over to her house. When I got there she started to throw up. I held her hair back. She fell to the floor when she was done. "Jessica get up!!" She wouldn't wake up. " Jessica. Get. Up. Sweetie." She wouldn't wake up. Tears started to flood my eyes. I ran to her phone and called Becky. "Becky it's Sam. Jessica won't wake up." She told me to call an ambulance. I did. They were at Jessica's house in 10 minutes flat. They took her. I told my mom and she drove me to the hospital. We got there and went to the front desk. They told us she was getting checked up on. I texted everyone. Off of Jessica's phone. I didn't like chandlers name in her phone. I texted everyone. Hayes, Nash , Kelly , Callie, Matthew, and Jillian.

Jessica) hey guys its Sam, Jessica, is in the hospital. You guys can come and visit in about 10 minutes.

They all replied with OMG. And I'll be there ASAP. They were all here with in 20 minutes. We all hugged. Then we were all allowed to see Jessica. She wasn't awake. The doctor came in. "Jessica is in a coma. I am very sorry" the doctor left. I lost it. "Jessica wake up please. I would rather be dead then see you like this. Please. Jessica!!" everyone left. I didn't want to see the love of my life like this.

*2 weeks later*

I haven't left Jessica's side in 2 weeks. I can't leave. I want to be the first person she sees when she wakes up. I saw her eyes start to flutter open. I called the doctor in. He told me he has to question her and check on her health. He came out.

"Uhh mr. Daniel. I have some good and bad news."
I nodded.

"Good news is. She is all healthy."

"What's the bad news?"

"The bad news is...."


Cliff hanger. Anyways sorry I haven't updated. I sprained my wrist. But I'm trying. And I might have a concussion. So yeah.

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