Chapter 4

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Jessica's P.O.V

Rachel was sitting there in Haley's room. I can't believe it. I walked out of her room and straight to mine. I didn't want to see her whore face. I jumped on my bed. Sam finally got out of the shower. "God!! Way to take forever!" I said in a joking matter. "Well a man has to look good for the girl he likes" then he winked at me. I could tell my face was turning a bright shade of pink. He laughed. Then his face got really serious. "Jessica. I know we haven't known each other that long but I like you a lot. And you probably don't feel the same way bu-" I cut him off by kissing him. "Sam I feel the same exact way." He smiled and kissed me again. "Then Jessica. Will you be my girlfriend.?" I saw how his face looked when I said I liked him too. "Yes" his face was even happier. "Okay. Well since we have no school tomorrow. We can make a YouTube video together." I smiled. "That would be so much fun.!" He kissed me. I loves when he surprisingly kisses me. I laid down on my bed and he laid on top of me. Not where he was crushing me. I never wanted this moment to end but sadly it had to. I got under my covers. And Sam got under them too. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me close to him. I snuggled up closer to him. He smelt so good. I fell asleep.

*In the morning*

Oh no!! I don't want Sam to smell my morning breath!! I went into my bathroom and quickly brushed my teeth. "Ahh much better" I said to myself. I heard Sam getting up. He was shirtless. "Okay I don't remember you going to sleep with your shirt off" I managed to say. He laughed. "I took it off because I was hot." I smiled. "That's hot." Shit did I say that out loud. He laughed. "Babe. I know." I laughed. "Oh shut up!" I went and jumped in the shower. I decided to wear. Blue high waisted shorts with a blue crop top that said 'cupcake^^' and then white pumps. Yes high heels. But hey I wanted to get closer to Sam's height. I did my make up. Just the regular retinue. I straightened my hair and put a bow in it. I walked out of my bathroom and I saw Sam. He was wearing khaki shorts with a white tank top that said 'swagger' and blue converses. He turned around and saw me. His eyes got really wide. "Damn. Do I look stupid. I can go Cha-" he cut me off. "No. You look perfect." I smiled. "So what are we doing today boyfriend."
"Whatever you want girlfriend." We started to laugh. "Well I think we should go to the mall. Then get ice cream. Then come back here go into the pool. Then go to my room and cuddle while watching scary movies.?"
"I think yes!! Great idea babe." We kissed.
"Ill go tell my mom."
I walked into my mom's room. "Hey mommy. I'm going to the mall with Sam." She kissed my forehead. "Okay baby" I smiled and left. We walked to the mall since it wasn't that far. When we got to the mall I would never of thought I would have saw what I saw.

We accept the love we think we deserve (Sam Daniel and Hayes Grier)Where stories live. Discover now