Chapter 8

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Jessica's P.O.V

I woke up the next morning in the clothes I wore yesterday. Also a shirtless Sam on one side of me and a shirtless Hayes on the other side of me. I was careful not to wake them up. Thank god it was Saturday. I jumped in the shower. I didn't even bother doing my make up or hair. I just threw my hair into a messy ponytail. I put on Hayes' favorite black Nike shorts on and Sam's shirt on. I slipped on my One Direction socks on. I ran to the kitchen and made breakfast for the boys, my mom and haley. My mom and haley ate first then came running Hayes, Nash, Mingus, Chandler and Sam. They ate. I went to my room and locked my door. I decided I needed alone time. I cried a little bit. I remembered my family before being adopted. I lost my sister.

*Flash back*

"Ashley don't!!!" my little sister was about to jump off a building. She was bullied so much she decided I end it all! "Ashley!!" She looked at me. "I'm sorry Jess I love you. Never forget me." I saw tears streaming down her face. I knew tears were rushing down my face. "ASHLEY PLEASE!" She jumped. "ASHLEY NO!!" she was gone. I sobbed. She couldn't be gone. The last of my family was gone. "Ashley. Ashley can't be gone. Ashley! ASHLEY!!!" I screamed.

*end of flashback*

I was crying silently. I missed her so much. She helped me through thick and thin. Now she was gone. It's been 2 years since she died. And I think if her every second. I blamed myself for it everyday. I cut because I knew it was my fault no matter how much people told me it wasn't i know it was. I didn't stop her. That should have been me jumping off the building not her. I started to cry harder. I heard Hayes banging on the door. I ran and unlocked it. "I miss her Hayes" he knew everything. "It's going to be okay. I know you miss her." I cried into his chest. I pulled my self together and went to sit on my bed. I decide to go see where Sam was. He want anywhere. I went into Haley's room. He was there. Sucking faces with Haley. I know I shouldn't say this but.... "wow. Haley. And. Sam. You guys left me just like my mom. And dad. And Ashley.!" They didn't know about Ashley. "I thought you were my best friend Haley!! Obviously not." I ran out of the room. I didn't even cry. I just went to my bathroom and sat in the tub. Then I began to cry. Everyone leaves me. Hayes is probably going to leave me next. Or Becky. Or Chandler. Or even Mingus. What if Nash does too.? I started to cry. I locked my bathroom door. I grabbed my razor.

Haley's P.O.V

I had to get back at Jessica for kissing Rachel's boyfriend. But how.? That's it. "Sam can you help me move some stuff.?" "Sure." I smirked. We were in my room and I grabbed his shirt and kissed him. He tried to pull away but he couldn't. Jessica walked in. I tuned her out. I just smiled. Finally she knows what it feels like. "What the hell haley!!? Can't you just not be a bitch once in a while. I love Jessica and you just ruined everything. Just don talk to me." Sam seemed pissed. I didn't care I just smirked. I walked to my bed and went to sleep.

Jessica's P.O.V

I wrapped all my cuts in gauze. I then put a nice pin sweater on and put some skinny jeans on. I didn't really feel like being social but I wanted Starbucks. I grabbed my wallet and left. I didn't tell anyone where I was going I just left. I finally got to Starbucks. "Tall cotton candy frappe please." "That will be $3.79 please." I gave her the money and wait for my drink. I got my drink and left. I decided to go to the park. I was swinging on the swings until I saw Sam. I didn't want to make a big deal out it. I'm just done. I sat there hoping he wouldn't notice me. He did. I didn't real care though. He was walking over to me. I got a call as soon as he started walking. It was Sam. "Hey Pottorff." "Hey girll. I'm throwing a party you should bring all your friends." I laughed. "Sure thing." "Okay well I'm getting everything ready so bye loveee youuuu" "I loveee youuuu too" I hung up. I decided to go tell everyone. Sam walked with me but we didn't talk. I got to my house. "Guys. My friend Sam Pottorff wants us to go to a party. Who's down.?" Every said they would go. We all got ready. I wore a really tight red dress with matching heels. I looked hot. I straightened my long hair and did my make up. I decided to put read lipstick. I walked down stairs. I grabbed my phone and my purse. Nash was here to pick Sam, Mingus, Chandler and I up. We all got in the car. They started to cat whistle at me. Even Hayes did. I blushed. We got to the party and there was a ton of people. Everyone was dancing and drinking. Including me. I was drunk off my ass. So was Hayes and everyone. Except Sam. I saw him kissing another girl. I walked over to them. "Sam. I don't think your girlfriend would appreciate this very much when I tell her. She might hurt herself again. She cuts because of you. You're a bad person Sam Daniel. Your a bad boyfriend too. She can do so much better. Which she will." I walked over to Hayes and attacked his lips. He pushed up against the wall to deepen the kiss. It was nice. We had a nice make out session. "Whoa where were those feelings?" I just laughed. "They've a been there since the day I met you. But I kne-" I was cut off by his lips.

We accept the love we think we deserve (Sam Daniel and Hayes Grier)Where stories live. Discover now