Chapter 2

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Jessica's P.O.V

We just got finished packing and we were on our way to the airport. I'm really scared to move. I mean I've moved from one country to another but it's hard to leave places. But i mean I'm going from somewhere really cold to somewhere really hot. It's a big change difference but who would mind..? Our plane was boarding. We got on the plane. I put my music in along with Haley. I love how haley and I just think alike. I fell asleep. I got woken up by my mom. We were I'm Atlanta. My stomach dropped. Oh no. We were that much closer to The Walking Dead audition. It was truly nerve wrecking. Anyways. We called a taxi and grabbed our bags. The moving truck was already at our new house. "Mom. Haley and I are going to go check out the neighbors." She came up to us. "Okay love you both." "I love you too" we said in unison. Went to the house on our right. A nice old couple lived there. On our left a single mom lived there with her two kids. "Hello we just moved in next door. If you ever need a baby sitter. I will do it." She thanked me and we went to a house across from us. The Daniel's is what the door said. I beautiful young women opened the door. "Hello, I'm Jessica and this is my sister haley. We just moved across the street. We just wanted to check out the neighbors." She smiled. "Well hello I have a son about your age. Would you like to meet him.?" We nodded. A very attractive boy walked out. "Hi. I'm Sam." I smiled and nodded. I was in a daze. Then another boy came down. It was CHANDLER RIGGS!!! I didn't say anything. "Hello. I'm chandler I'm just his best friend I actually live next door." I smiled and nodded. "Well. Our you going to tell us your name.?" I nodded. First I looked to see if haley was around but she left. Dammit. "I'm Jessica and I had my sister here but she ditched me." They laughed. Oh my god their laughs!!! I was fangirling on the inside. But on the outside I was chill as fuck. "Well I better go my mom might get worried. Bye." They nodded and said goodbye. I left. We were all unpacked except for my room. I ran upstairs and unpacked. My room was bigger ere then it was in my old house. I was happy. I hooked up my Xbox. Then I grabbed my skateboard and went outside. I skated and did some tricks too. I was thinking about today. Chandler and Sam came outside and ran up to me. "Whoa you can skate!?" I nodded. They looked so surprise. I put my music in and started to skate again and do more tricks. The boys stood in awe. It was kinda funny. I finished skating. "Didn't think a girl could do that did ya?" they shook their heads no. I was out of breath. "Well I'm going home." Sam grabbed my arm. Chandler left. "Hey can I have your number.?" I nodded and took his phone and put my number in it. I said bye and ran inside. I wish that was chandler asking for my number. I went to my room and got my pjs out and took a shower. I had my first day of high school tomorrow. I was really nervous.

*next morning*

I woke up an went to my bathroom. I took a shower. I went to my closet and picked out a white crop top that said 'zombie swag', light blue skinny jeans with the bleach stains and blue TOMS I curled my hair and did my make up. Just some mascara and eyeliner. I walked out of my room to see haley in a blue crop too that said 'swaggie' and white skinny jeans and white TOMS. We matched. Of course. She straightened her hair and did cover up, mascara, eyeliner, an even some eyes shadow. I didn't understand she wore so much make up. Mom told us she would drive us to school. We were in the car jamming out to Justin Bieber when we pulled up to our school. It was HUGE!! I got out and said goodbye to my mom. We went to the office. We go our schedule. Great!! No classes except lunch together. My classes went like this
1. English 1
2. U.S. history
3. Drama
4. Art
5. Lunch
6. Geometry (year above my grade level)
7. Gym
Then we go home.
I walked into my first hour and I saw him.

We accept the love we think we deserve (Sam Daniel and Hayes Grier)Where stories live. Discover now