Chapter 15

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Jessica's P.O.V

I woke up in the hospital. Every memory started to flood in. I lost my baby. I felt tears start to sting my eyes.

I looked around and Sam, Hayes, Nash, Kelly, Becky, Callie, Jillian, Matthew, Chandler, Mingus, Norman and a girl who I didn't recognize. Norman was the only one up.


"Oh my god!! Jessica your up!!"

"Why did it happen to me.?"

"I'm sorry sweetie I don't have an answer to that..!!"

I cried into Norman's chest. I knew something else bad would happen. But I wasn't ready for a baby yet. It still hurts to know I lost part of me.

Norman kissed my forehead.

"I'm sorry kiddo. Everything will be alright. But you need to get some rest. I tell the Doctor you woke up. But for now sleep."

I nodded. I put my head down onto the hard pillow. I didn't want to sleep. I was about to doze off when I felt a hand on mine. I looked to see who it was.

"Hi Nash"

"Hey babe."

"How's it going?"

"Uhh good now that your up."
I smiled.

"That's great!" He nodded. Then looked at the ground. I'm sorry about everything. But you get to leave today. After they give you your medication. I found out after having a miscarriage you have to be put on this kind of medication. It's even more needed at your age." (I actually don't know if you do a/n)

I nodded. "Well Nashy I need some sleep!!"

"Okay boo.. Ill be out in the waiting roo-"

"No please stay!!" Nash just nodded. He pulled a chair by my bed.

"Good night babe"

"Goodnight Nash"

And with that I fell asleep.

Sam's P.O.V

I can't believe I lost the best thin that ever happened to me. And she lost her baby. I'm terrible. If I would have never of cheated this wouldn't be happening right now!! What I would do get her to take me back but there is nothing in the world to do this.

I don't deserve her. I'm just some playing jerk who doesn't deserve love. Like Sam from Perks Of A Wallflower says 'we accept the love we think we deserve'. I don't deserve any love. I deserve to get punched I'm the face. Or even a slow painful death.

I just wish I didn't make so many mistakes.

Jillian's P.O.V

Sam is such an idiot. He hurt my little sister. Whoa. I've known the girl a few days. But it's so true she is like a little sister. I'm going
to kick Sam's ass. He is a little playing punk.

And as for that Mackenzie girl. She might need a LOT of stitches and a cast or two. I just feel so bad for Jessica. I was in mid thought when a girl with purple and blue hair walked in.

"Hi.. I'm Kat!! Ill Jessica's Nurse. Can you please get everyone out."

I nodded.

"Yo!! Guys we gotta get out. Jessica's nurse needs to do some check ups. " Everyone got up and left.

"Good luck Jessica. I love you!" And with that I left the room.

Jessica's P.O.Vn

A girl with purple and blue hair walked in. I was guessing she was my nurse. She did some tests. "Hi. May I ask how old are you..?" She nodded. "I'm 16.. I'm taking college classes here. I want to be a nurse when I get older. " I smiled an nodded. "What's your name..?"

"Well I'm Jessica but all my friends call me Kat. " I smiled.

"I'm Jessica and people call me uhh Jessica. Hehe"

She laughed.

"Well here's my number Jessica. Text me if you ever want to hang out." I smiled and nodded. "Well Jessica you can leave now. Here are your clothes." Kat handed me some red skinny jeans and my walking dead shirt that said said on the back 'Payton and Carl💙' I laughed to myself. I also had my red Vans. I slipped my clothes on and walked out of the bathroom. Nash ran and hugged me. "Hey boo!! Are you okay?" I laughed. "Yes I'm fine Nash. I just want Starbucks!!" I did a dramatic sigh like I was dying. Nash laughed. "Okay. Ill get Hayes, Kelly, Callie and Jillian. Then we will be on our way." I nodded and jumped on Nash's Back.

*At Starbucks*

I ordered my regular. A vanilla bean frappe. Everyone got what they wanted and we sat at a booth. I was looking out the window trying to be social. I was sitting next tho Kelly and Callie was on the other side of her. I saw Sam. I looked at the ground. He was holding hands with Mackenzie. I felt tears start to sting my eyes. But I just smiled so that they didn't fall.

"Guys I'm tired. I think I'm going to walk home. You guys can stay here." The nodded and I left.

A girl ran up to me. "Hey. I'm Poppy!! Your an amazing actor!!"

"Hi sweetie!! How old are you?"

"I'm 12!!" I laughed. Well here. How about you tweet me and I'll follow you." She nodded and ran away worth he biggest smile on her face!!

*At home*

I was sitting in my room watching YouTube videos when is as Hayes posted a new video.

I watched the whole video by the time it was over I was in tears. It was all the pictures of us since MAGCON!!

I stopped watching YouTube videos and went on twitter. Poppy followed me. I followed her back. Turn out her and Kat our sisters. Anyways. I had a new follower. She was so pretty her name was Ryanne. I followed her an she DM'd me.

"Hey Jessica. You're an amazing actor and I wanted to know if you could fit me into your schedule to hang out..?"

I messaged her back.

"Sure. Tomorrow at 3pm..?"

"Yes!! Meet at Starbucks.?"

"Yup. Bye."

I logged off of twitter. I was getting a FaceTime. Man was I popular. It was my best friend!! Well my best friend from England.

FaceTime from: Rheagan 💖💩

R- Rheagan

J- Hey gurlll!!

R- hey bro!'

J-what's up my British best friend..?

R- well I'm coming to America to visit you!

J- OMG!! WHEN..?!?!?

R- tomorrow. So see you soon bye!!

J- Byee!

I ended the face time. I was laying in my bed thing tomorrow was busy. But hey I was single now. With that my eyes drifted closed and I fell asleep!'


Sorry it was short!! Ill update like tomorrow or something. But byeee


We accept the love we think we deserve (Sam Daniel and Hayes Grier)Where stories live. Discover now