Chapter 22: Perdessa's Diaries {Part 2}

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June 5, 2017 -Percy

Being on my own is weird. I feel homeless again. I would have dropped in with my mom, but when I visited her after the war - a monster followed me home after running errands and almost eradicated my sister. Let's just say I'm never allowed back at the house until she moves out on her own. I didn't mean for it to happen. I should have been more aware. It's my fault that I can't come home.

I miss them...

November 16, 2017 -Percy

Everything hurts. I've been running for miles with no luck of ever leaving far away! I've tried going west but he farthest I've made it was Michigan before I keep ending up in New York. By now I've been:

-Swept up by Griffins
-walked through a magical portal, which I didn't even mean to walk into
-Drinking a Teleportation Potion from Hecate for the hell of it
-And now recently: Walking through the labyrinth just to see where I'll end up.

I've been avoiding the gods the whole period. They would most likely force me to talk about why I left, which my heart can barely even get me to write about it. The only god I would let find me, with a getaway plan of course, would be Artemis. Most badass goddess I've ever met, which is saying something because Hestia is also at the top at my list. AND BEFORE YOU SAY 'hey pErCy! Hestia iSn'T bAdAsS! ShE jUst pOkEs a FirE aLl dAy!!!' Well let me tell you sonny, a furious Hestia is nothing to mess around with. Apollo pissed her off so much that he was filleted and fried so much he was crying for weeks. I saw it happen around when I was 16 and mannnn did that mess me up! I'm 23 and I'm still messed up from it... ha ha..

January 13, 2018 -Percy

Nothing is the same anymore.

I left camp half blood a couple months ago, and I have no intention of going back. Those assholes knew what they were doing and they have no right in whining for me to come back. I'm done with protecting their little lies. I'm fine with the gods, but their children? They can rot in hell.

July 3, 2018 -Percy

I miss them. I actually really miss them. They did so much shit to me and I miss them. Do hear how crazy that sounds??! I want to hate them so I can easily just walk away! BUT I CANT AND I MISS THEM SO MUCH. But no matter what! I am never, NEVER going back to that camp EVER AGAIN! Ughhhh it's so hard......

I am going back to just hang around New York though, I can't seem to leave far before I'm swooped back. I'm too tired to care anymore. Should I get a job? I feel like I should get a job than just bummin it out everywhere.

August 6, 2018 -Percy

It's boring on my own. I've run away from camp and walked into a prison. I don't care what god thought this was funny or if the Olympians put a barrier for me around New York so I couldn't leave, all I gotta say, is that you SUCK. Are you serious? I could've gone sight-seeing or swam in all the lakes and rivers and oceans across America having the time of my life, but NOoOOooOooOoOO I hAd tO gEt StUcK iN NeW YoRk.

I say this with all the love in my heart, fuck you! You're lucky that there's an aquarium and a pool in this city otherwise I would've torn this place apart already!

-a couple pages are ripped out-



You're welcome, see you next week! Love you guys! (Sorry that it's so short, lol)

AUG 25, 2020 UPDATE: Just some grammar edits, otherwise stayed the same! See ya!

-Queen_Gibby678 💝

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