Chapter 17: YOU'RE SO DEAD! but Your Baby's Cute..

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Thalia's POV

There's no way this is real. Odessa. My guardian, not to mention MY GIRLFRIEND is actually the female form of my younger cousin. I feel so lied to!

My first instinct was to punch him, to pummel him to the ground, for everything! I thought I found the perfect girlfriend who was also an immortal! BuT nO!! It was Percy! UGHHHAHGJERNHF!!! BUT I can't- do anything, because it's Percy.

"Percy?" Tears filled my eyes as I slowly stepped towards him. My hands clenched in fists, just trying to maintain all the  hurt and anger that filled my chest.

"That's me.. unfortunately." His voice was raspy, as if he hasn't used it for a while.

Artemis placed a hand on my shoulder and squeezed it gently, "I'll be outside. I'll give you guys a moment. Call if you need anything." I watched as she walked out the room, making sure to quietly shut the door. In her absence, there was silence.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier? T-that you weren't really a female nor Odessa? Why play with my feelings instead of telling me the truth!?" I bit my lip shut as I tried to wipe any fallen tears from my cheek.

Percy's mouth altered. His face contorted into sorrow; he couldn't look at me in the eye. It was heartbreaking.. for the both of us.

"No. Odessa is real, and separate from me. Any interaction you had with us, she talked and acted. We didn't lie to you."

"That's such bullshit! You've never had two souls before!! Stop lying to me, I'm already so conflicted with seeing you! I don't need this right now!!" I shout. Percy's jaw tightened as he tried to sit up with his daughter in his arms. Amara didn't even stir in her sleep in the slightest.

"Thalia, stop. This is just as weird living with a newly awakened soul as you hearing it for the first time. It sounds crazy, but we are literally living Greek mythology. I am a literal god and I still couldn't come up with something as weird as this on my own."  He hissed. The glare he was giving me was intense, so much so that I had to break my eyes away. I sit down on the little stool next to the bed and run my hands over my face. "I'm sorry my presence brings you so much pain."

My head flicks up when I notice him reach for the opposite side of the bed of me, towards the door. "Where are you going?"

He finally manages to pull his body to the side, with his feet touching the floor, "To my cabin. It's right next door and I need to make sure Odessa is well rested for her to explain. Seems like you'd rather see her than me." I stand up to try to grab his arm, but his black wings just brush me out of reach. "See you later, Thalia."

And he walks out the room. I was just frozen, my brain locking me in place not really understanding what just happened. I heard Artemis's and Percy's voices whisper outside the door before silence filled my ears once again.

Odessa is gone, she wasn't real. She was fake and Percy is going to pay for this.

. . .

"He lied to me! And played with my feelings as 'Odessa' for 9 whole months!!" I clench my fists as I walk side by side with Artemis towards the dining pavilion.

"Thalia, I'm not going to keep repeating myself over and over again. Percy is not Odessa. Odessa is not Percy. They are two different people, two different souls. Nobody lied to anyone AND YOU NEED TO GET YOUR HEAD OUT OF YOUR ASS!" Artemis smacked me on the back of the head. I can only give her a small glare while rubbing my head.

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