Chapter 7: Soft Death, Warm Death, F**KING BALL OF LIES

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Percy's POV - {After he fell asleep again}

I was surrounded by darkness.

Cool. I can't have a normal dream just once.

"Hello there Perseus~" A voice coos. I try shifting my head to look around but find that I'm paralyzed in place. Flashbacks of being immobilized by Nyx attack me, leaving me choking on my breath.

"Who are you?!" I demand, desperately trying to keep panic out of my voice. I struggle to move my arms to no success.

"Oh hahaha! No need to struggle dear, I can't hurt you in here, not that is my goal.. yet." I feel a feminine finger drag underneath my chin as I clench my jaw.

"Wow, Nyx really did a number on you, huh? Made the Demi-God Savior tremble in fear."

I moved my head enough to reach her finger and snap my teeth around it. The voice screams in pain and retracts her hand.

"Don't FUCKING TOUCH ME!" I thrash around but I still can't move from my position. I can't see anyone in the darkness although I bet they felt the glare I held. "I don't know who you are, or what you want. BUT SORRY TO INFORM YOU IM TOO TIRED FOR YOUR SHIT RIGHT NOW! AND-" I feel the hand trying to grab my face again with a little tighter grasp and bite her again, making sure to break the skin and muscle.

"AGHH YOU LITTLE TWAT! I was going to give you an offer to get ahead of the next war, but I see you don't want to play nice." Her tone turned to stone with the end of her sentence. I groaned at the mention of another war. How many times do I have to almost die for the fates to be satisfied?

"What do you mean.. another war?" I heard the other voice chuckle after my question left my lips.

"Oh, just the ending of the pitiful planet, Earth. It's time the true supreme ruler took over! Me! The Greek gods have been all over the place when it comes to mortals and fighting between themselves. I'm tired of it. I will wreak everything they have ever built and created, taking every piece of their legacy. I WILL RULE THIS SAD LITTLE PLANET TO PERFECTION."

My mouth foams with anger. Demi-gods count as the legacy. Everyone I have ever met will be wiped out before my eyes if I can't prevent this.

"Really? You just want to rid of everything that you don't like? Even innocents? What power do you have to make you think you can just destroy everything?" I snapped.

"Babe, I created the heavens and everything else. Everything sprung to live from me! I am the beginning! And soon.." They take a dramatic pause, "I will be your end."

I could feel a smirk grow on their face. I scrambled for anything that could give me more information about the oncoming war to even have a chance to succeed.

"You mentioned Nyx. How did you know. Nobody else was around.." I hear them stifle their laugh before it grows loud enough to hurt my eardrums.

"HAHAHA! Oh honey! Teddybear, sugarplum. You are too pure for your own good." I spit at her feet, or at least where her feet should be. "Someone had to control her, otherwise she wouldn't have the guts to stick to the plan. Remember those gold eyes next time you speak to her next, I can't wait to see you again precious." She laughs maliciously.

And they disappear. I am really starting to hate Greek Mythology..

. . .

I wake up with a gasp and feel a giant pain in my side. I couldn't decipher where I was until my eyes adjusted to the light.

I'm back in Apollo's hospital room. I look around and didn't see Apollo anywhere. Through the pain I try and sit up. A hand on my arm prevents me to make it more than an inch. My gaze strains to look down my arm to notice a sleeping Artemis.

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