Chapter 6: Reasons I Wish I Wasn't The Only Godly Doctor With Braincells

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Apollo's POV

After I shove Artemis out the door, I shake my head and sigh.

"How do you keep ending up like this?" I ask his unconscious body. I click my tongue and get to work.

Carefully I cut small areas in his clothes around the infected cut. With my tweezers, I pick out the pieces of shrapnel lodged in his side, extremely careful to not cut any other surrounding tissue. I place the pieces on a tray with the tweezers and cauterize the bleeding areas before starting the stitching process.

I wipe the blood and puss off the cut and place a gauze on top of a large cotton bandaid type patch. I sigh as I lean back in my chair. I did it. I just saved the best hero that ever lived! Yayyyyyyyy.

I take a deep breath before cutting off his other clothes to put him into a gown. The horrifying sight of the condition of his body made me want to puke and cry at the same time. Bruises paired with scratches in a claw mark fashion lined all over his body. His lips, ankles, wrists, and hips were the main areas of damage other that his side that exploded.

I gently pick up his wrists to inspect the bruises closer. They were so cuff like and rubbed raw around the edges. It traced around the whole circumference to further support my cuff-like theory.

What did he get into that could have caused bruising like this? It's so unnatural.. I mean I've seen sex play bruises like this, but not to this intensity?


Sex play.

I smack my forehead with my palm. I change my focus to the claw like scratches and bruising around his neck. The injuries to his windpipe definitely signified he was strangled by someone or something to the extent of asphyxiation. A similar bruise to his wrists was wrapped around his throat. Someone really didn't want Percy getting up...

The other bruises on his neck and collar bone were small ovals and I spotted teethmarks. It all clicked together with that last observation. Either Percy had a really hard one night stand with someone while he was on the run, which I highly doubt. OR

Or.. He was raped.

I didn't have to long before to think as Percy's eyes slowly opened. I took a few steps back to give him space to associate himself.

"Where am I?" He asks, voice raspy as sandpaper. I walk over to my sink in the room and fill a cup of water for him.

"You're in one of my hospital themed rooms. I fixed up your side and put a patch on it so be very careful while moving for the time being." I help him sit up so he can drink the water. He takes small sips until the cup was empty. I take the cup and hand him a mortal hospital gown because all that was covering his body was the blanket that only barely covered his waist.

A small blush crawled on his cheeks, "Oh. Thank you."

I turn around to clean up my tools and I spot the shrapnel on the separate tray. I turn back to Percy to ask him a question and I see him awkwardly siting on the bed trying to tie the back of the gown.

"Do you need help?" A small smile creeps on my lips. He's so awkward, its adorable. His tired sea-green eyes lock with mine for a few seconds before looking down at the floor.

"Please. I can't reach it without my side hurting.." I help him turn his back towards me. As I tie I can't help but notice he has even larger and deeper claw marks that were fresh and infected more that the rest. Percy notices that I paused and clams up. I brush one finger on a cut and he tensed as he tried to lean away from my hand.

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