Chapter 12: If This Loophole Works, I Can Kiss You

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Artemis's POV

"Good, 'cause you're pregnant."

"SHIT" Was Odessa's only reaction after silence. She grabbed her forehead and rubbed her temple with her knuckles.

"I would presume you are just going through the normal swings of nausea, so I recommend just resting til it passes. Drink a little water, maybe a bit of crackers and nectar? Only if you can keep it down. Tomorrow I assume you will be feeling better but please do take it easy at first."

"Thanks." Odessa croaks.

I smile at Apollo as he leaves the cabin for his palace on Olympus, he waved goodbye before flash teleporting away. I scoot over to where Percy- or Odessa, his second soul???, was sitting, holding a trashcan to her lips and slightly rocking his body, just waiting to throw up.

After a few minutes of nothing coming out, I sat on the window sill next to her chair. I gently lowered her head to my chest so she could gain at least a little comfort from all this.

Was this really from our conversation from earlier? Did she accidentally make herself pregnant from just thinking it? Was it an accident?

She and Percy should have their own tv show for how much shit they have gone through in just this past year ALONE. She sighs while cuddling closer in my arms. I lay my head on hers and watch the wilderness outside the window.

I hope she feels better soon.

. . .

After a couple minutes, Odessa was dead asleep in my arms. I wrap my arms behind her neck and under her knees, bridal style, to bring her to their bed. Of course Percy had to fucking put a ladder to get to his bed, he can't make anything easy for me. I had to weirdly lock my knees under the higher rung to gently climb without the use of my arms.

I lay Odessa down and climb back down for the blanket that still laid on the chair Odessa sat in. A waft of a weird combination of citrus and ocean hit my nose when I lifted the blanket into my arms. Confused, I took a closer sniff of the comforter and it immediately earned a spot on my top ten list of 'favorite scents'. I caught myself burying my face into the soft fabric before snapping back to reality by a sleepy mutter from Odessa.

"Shut the f-ah -p Per-y. Let me -mell.. good." She flipped over so her backside would be facing me at the ladder. I straighten out the blanket over her shivering body before she, still dead asleep, muttered again,

"Ocean ass."

I bit my tongue so hard to keep myself from laughing, that I tasted blood. As quickly and as quietly as possible, I climbed down the bunk ladder and left the cabin. I wished Odessa a blessing to feel better in the morning before finally closing the door.

I turn around to walk off the porch before I see a worried Thalia sitting on the porch step.


She jumped when I called her name. She stood, opening and closing her mouth as if she couldn't decide what to say first.

"Odessa is okay, no need to worry. Sudden morning sickness ruins the best of us." I laugh. Thalia sighs in relief, but I could tell she had more questions. I sway my head to the side for her to follow me for a walk around camp. I can check on the other hunter's progress on our walk as well as explain to Thalia that her hypothetical question earlier came true. Two birds with one stone.. that I did not want.

We walk in silence for a few yards, me giving Thalia to speak first.

"Morning sickness?" Her voice was barely above a whisper. I nod making sure she saw my response. "But she seemed fine when I hung out with her earlier?" My eyebrow raised as I looked down at her, intrigued, at this new information. Thalia saw my change in expression and her face flashed red before she could hide her cheeks with her hand.

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