Chapter 15: Nevermind Teasing Percy, Thaila is So Much Funnier

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Artemis's POV

"Will do, Princess"

Did he just call me.. Princess?? ME?? Of all people??

I covered my laughter as it escaped my lips. I turn my head slightly to look at Odessa, or Percy in Odessa's body (for today), and I catch the small movement of shocked eyes, a bright red splash of embarrassed cheeks, and a small twist of the body before he walks away awkwardly. West I stand in shock, watching as he quickly disappears into the forest's curves.

That was the dorkiest thing I've ever heard him say! Hahaha *wheeze*

A dorky smile remains on my face, even after I catch my breath. I can't decide if I want to go after Percy and tease him about it for the rest of his life, or go check on my hunters so they can also help me tease him for the rest of his life...

.... The second option.

. . .

I arrive through the archery range's  makeshift archway made out of bent over trees. It was quiet, with only the hits of arrows and grunts of disappointment from the girls to be heard. The atmosphere was relaxed or even peaceful.. a big difference than a few days ago.. There wasn't a shoulder that wasn't tensed in the area.

It wasn't long after I walked in before Thalia spotted me and waved me over. She was sitting on one of the picnic benches around the tree line, away from the targets. She slides the bow she was maintaining to the side and waves for me to sit.

"Oh hello M'lady! What's got you smiling about?" Thalia asks. Her question must have been a little louder than intended because all of the near by hunters that heard it are now staring at me. I roll my eyes. They act like me smiling is a weird thing.

"Haha, nothing really. Odessa just pulled a dork move that baffled my existence." I shake my head. Most nod with a stunted chuckle and go back to what they were doing.

"Ooo explain. This is gonna be good." Thalia fangirled. She was not going to let this go was she? Whatever. My fault.

"So it started off with me briefing chores with you as you know-"

"Yeah, before you left me in mid sentence" She scoffed at me and rolled her eyes

"Sorry 'bout that -but then I heard my name yelled and a huge storm picked up so I thought something bad was happening? So I teleported to the source of the shout," I try to finish before Thalia cut me off again, but at least she's consistent.

"OO WHO YELLED IT?" You. You just yelled 'it'.

"Odessa! The storm randomly dispersed as I greeted him also, so he was probably the source of the storm as well." I ponder. Thalia has the most bewildered look on her face.

"He? What do you mean? Odessa is a girl." Thalia asked. I rolled my eyes.

Crap.. I didn't mean to say that..

"Did you forget about her other soul?"

Thalia rubbed her forehead with her hand, "I absolutely did.."

My eyebrows raised with confusion before rolling my eyes and smile, "Didn't you make out with Odessa this morning?"

"Dear gods I hope so.. How can you tell them apart??" Thalia clapped her hands together and stared straight into my soul. I smirked and waved my hand, bent at the wrist.

"When Odessa is front and center, she smells like Mediterranean citrus fruit, but her male soul smells purely of the ocean with a hint of anxiety."

Thalia jumped and flopped her torso on the table, arms straight out, "OH BLESS CITRUS FRUIT!!!"

I crack up, earning myself the bird from Thalia. I laugh even louder, falling off the bench onto the ground.

Thalia bolts up, slamming her hands on the table. Her face was completely red,"This isn't funny!!!"

I catch my breath for a split second before chuckling again. "No it's not... it's fucking hilarious"

"You're awful!" Thalia slams her head on the table while I continue to roll on the ground, crying laughing. I gain some control of my laughter to speak, but crack up before any understandable words could come into existence.

"How is it?" I ask, my arms clutching my sides in pain. I make my back onto the bench, covered with dirt and leaves.

"How is what? Dying of embarrassment? It's terrible!!"

"No. Making out with a fully pregnant goddess with a second soul." I cover my face with my hands as Thalia starts throwing arrow and bow maintenance objects at me.

"Just once did I think that I could go a day without being teased for having a girlfriend. AT LEAST I HAVE ONE!" Thalia groaned into her hands.

Thalia rubbed her temples with the bottom of her palms as I made my way back to my seat. She pulls down on the skin under her eyes, unable to make eye-contact with me for more than a second. I snicker at the sight of her face going from her normal blush to beet red.

She took a deep breath,"So without anymore teasing, when do you think Odessa is due?" I open my mouth to speak, closed it, then placed my hand on my chin.

"I'm sure they are due any time now, the baby is fully formed and ready to g-" A loud scream of pain echoed through the trees. My eyes fly open in shock as well as the rest of the hunters, bringing their activities to a dead stop. "NEVERMIND THAT, SHE'S DUE NOW!"



June 10, 2020 EDIT: Ayo guys! Fixed huge plot point focus and made the bridge from this chapter to the next much smoother! I really hate my old writing...this is torture..



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