Chapter 5: Let's Play A Game Called How Many Times Will Percy's Luck Suck!

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Artemis POV

My chanting was interrupted by Percy's gasp, "Artemis!... Help!" My head snaps towards his voice, only to see Percy grabbing his side in vain. There was too much blood flowing out of him to last long. Only he can die before becoming a god.

"Percy!" I yelled. I ran to his side and put his head on my lap. "C'mon, stay with me! I can't lose you now!" I pat his face gently so he would stay awake and look at me. "Come on. Stay with me.. Please."

He looks at me, his beautiful sea green eyes which hold such pain and sadness. He lets out a quiet, painful whine.

"APOLLO! I NEED YOUR ASSISTANCE PLEASE!! HURRY!!" I yell. Apollo's face filled with worry. He scooped Percy in his arms and we both run to his palace. We barge through the doors and placed Percy on one of Apollo's open hospital beds.

"Artemis, I'll handle Percy here, but I need you to go calm the rest of the council. I can't have them breaking any equipment while I'm working!" Apollo was frantically running around grabbing tools that were lying around the room.

Apollo sits down and starts inspecting the wound. "Geez, Percy! What did you get yourself into?" he muttered.

"Can you fix him up?" I asked. Apollo didn't look at me when he nodded. He leaned back from organizing his tools and folds his arms against his chest. He sighs.

"Good news is that the wound is not that deep so it didn't hit any organs majorly. Just small scapes. Although I'm going to have to cut the clothes around the wound to disinfect it." He said.

"...are you saying that's my que to leave?" I snicker. Apollo laughs and shakes his head.

" I don't think the areas I'll be cutting will be very exposing yet, but I'll most likely have to put him a gown to check for other injuries that could have occurred. I don't think you'd want to stay for that."

"Understood. Is there anything else you need help with before I try to stop a frenzy?"

Apollo opens up his mouth opens to speak. His mouth slams shut and his body straightened with a frantic look.


"Poseidon is here! Make sure he doesn't disturb me!" And he shoves me out the door.

The hallway was empty other than large crashes coming closer and closer. Found Poseidon. Just like a bull in a china shop.

I start walking to one end of the hallway and bump into a large object around the corner. I quickly gained my bearings and realized that the big lug was in fact, Poseidon. He sighs in relief and grabs me by the shoulders.

"Art-Artemis! Where's my son!?" Poseidon yelled, his lungs heaving with anxiety.

I grabbed his shoulders back, "He's ok! But I need you to calm down. I can't have you going into the room. Apollo is still disinfecting and stitching up the wound!" I say.

Poseidon tries to push past but I stop him.

"But he's my son, I have to go see him!"

"If you love him you WILL LISTEN TO ME AND CALM DOWN!" I yell. Oimdeadimdeadimdeadimdead. I never yelled at one of my uncles before, and he is the scariest one out of the big three to me. I started to shake as he looked into my soul.

"ok." He goes to sit down on one of the couches in the foyer. "I just can't stand if my baby boy died before he found peace again."

"I didn't realize you were so attached to Percy."

"After the hiatus Zeus put on us, I realized how much I missed having my demigod children around. They never lasted long in a god's lifetime. I don't know if many other gods do, but I grieve- every time one of them passes."

I pat him awkwardly on his back. His hand rubs his forehead as he holds back sobs.

"Percy.. Percy's a good kid. He's saved our butts so many times in the recent wars, not to mention countless Demi-god and mortal lives. He deserves better than this." His voice cracks on the end. I lay my head on his shoulder and sighed.

"Yeah. He deserves better." My voice comes out barely louder than a whisper.


Jun 18, 2020 —> Edited and updated :)

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