Chapter 18: So That's Odessa? Too Bad She's Gone...

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Aphrodite's POV

After Thalia marched off, Artemis and I quietly chuckled to ourselves.

"So? Thalia actually got herself a date?" I ask.

Artemis slows down her pace and chuckles, "It's sort of a complicated story..? We could take the long route to the mess hall for more time?" I looked around us, noticing a few straggling hunters. My eye's filled with a mischievous glint as I caught Artemis' gaze.

"As long as you tell me the full story!!! All the deets!" I squeal. My excitement exploded when Artemis just smirk and muttered, 'of course'. I never get enough of relationship DrAmA! It's what keeps me going!!!

We get pretty decently away from the rest of the hunters before Artemis even muttered a word! What is she doing???


Artemis slows her pace even more to the point of 'a 90 year old on cane' pace. She tugs at her lower lip, as if she's unsure what to say.

"I'm not really sure where to start-"

"Probably at the beginning?" I giggle.

Artemis smacked me on the back of the head, "No shit, Sherlock." She rolls her eyes as my laugher escapes my lips. "Ok, maybe I do. I believe it was even before Percy and I even made it to the camp. We made it about a mile away before he started having second thoughts and panicked? Yeah, he was absolutely panicking because I literally had to force him to sit down and BREATHE!"

It must have been a couple hours of listening to her tell me about teaching Percy how to switch his form into a female, the first encounter with the hunters, Percy's new godly seal, uhhhhh she mentioned that Percy got pregnant??? No.. his second soul accidentally pulled a Hera and impregnated herself and the baby was BORN TODAY I WANNA SEEEEEE!!! DA!!! BABYY!!!!!!!! I missed a few details due to me thinking about what Percy's baby would look like..

She was about to tell me about the second soul's and Thalia's relationship- Wait! I mean Odessa and Thalia's was??relationship, before we crashed into a beautiful winged woman holding a bundle of blanket in her arms.

"Oh! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to.." She whimpers as she tries to walk quickly past us before Artemis catches her arm. The woman never turned or took her eyes off the ground.

"Hon, what's wrong? Are you okay?"

"I'm sorry.. I have to go." The woman weakly tries to pull Arty's grip off of her with no success.

"At least tell me what's going on?" The woman's eyes lifted to match Artemis' and she just starts bawling.

"Thalia just lashed out and broke up with me! She keeps repeating that- that I'm not real and she doesn't want to see my face near her again- And-" Her jaw locks up, refusing to make any further sounds. Tears just fall from her eyes as Artemis wraps her arms around her. The woman loosely drapes her wings around Artemis as she cries into her shoulder.

There was just a strange sense of beauty in the scene before me. So many mixed emotions radiating off the both of them it shocked me into silence.

"I don't get it!! We were fine this morning!-" She took a shaky breath, "-But now she keeps mentioning that I'm not real an- and that I was just a lie! I just wanna go cry in the middle of the woods and stay there forever-r-r!"

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