Chapter 2: We Lost Percy Again, and It Wasn't Hera's Fault

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Artemis POV

ARGHHH!!! We've been searching for months for Percy Jackson. He always slips away right when me and my girls start to give chase! It's infuriating!!

I have to give the boy some credit though, that he was a sneaky one when he wanted to be.

Although, I am more baffled at why or how Camp Half Blood Kicked him out! Like seriously! Percy?? The last decent man on Earth! I just don't get it!

My hunters and I pitch our camp in one of the parks in New York. We've been in and out of so many state parks I don't even care what the name is AND I SWEAR if Percy isn't in this godsdamn city, I'm going to kill him.

Hermes showed up. I was hopeful that he had some kind of contact with Percy or at least has news.

Of course he doesn't. Nobody has for weeks. We even asked Nyx to help, which she gladly agreed, but she couldn't find him, or! She totally found him and was waiting for the best time to strike a win!

"There is a council meeting and.. you are the only one not there. Like c'mon Artemis, even Nyx is there on time!" Hermes said.

Crap.. not another council meeting.

I turned to my hunters and piped, "Girls, I'm leaving Thalia in charge! I have to leave for a meeting, I will be back soon" They mumbled something like 'mmk'. They either are used to it, or they just weren't listening. It's fine, Artemis, they can take care of themselves. They're MY hunters after all!


They're definitely going to burn something..

I left in a blur of silver. When I arrived in the throne room, everyone was staring at me like a fish out of water. I felt a slight blush crawl on my cheeks before I ducked my head down.

I sat down and scanned the area around me. Same as always, 12 thrones in a semi circle, 12 Olympian Gods ready to fight each other over a feather, but one thing was different. Or three were different. Hades finally had a throne, so did Hestia but she didn't choose to sit in it, and Nyx had a shiny stool in the corner. Wow, good job on the respect part, Zeus. Treating a Primordial like they are a mere moral. A clap and a half for you sir.

Now.. onto Nyx. She gave me the creeps. With her black and white getup you weren't sure if she was a ghost or just an emo wanna be.


Sigh.. I guess 'Ole Zeusy thought it should be a good time to start the meeting.. sigh.

"Ok! Everyone! As you know, the search for Percy Jackson is still on! I know you're tired of this, but does anyone got any information or clues on his whereabouts?" He yells.

Silence filled the room. Some of the gods kept shifting on their thrones, as if they were pretending to not be paying attention. Only one raised her hand. Nyx!!? Are you serious? Us gods have been looking for him for ages and she just waltzes in and finds him immediately! Uggggggh! The shame!!

"I'm still trying to pinpoint his location around New York City, but he's not far from..." she cut off suddenly. Her face turned dark with sadistic glee. "Found him." And she disappeared. What. The. FUCK!! I slumped grumpily in my chair. I should have been the one to find him! I'm literally the huntress goddess!

"...well then. We have to wait and see if she actually found him or not?" Zeus said. He placed his head on his hand and looked bored. My legs wouldn't stop bouncing over the fact that this might be the quickest meeting ever!

We waited...maybe...30 or 40 min until Nyx came back. If she was any longer I was about to leave to check on my hunters. I know they can handle themselves, but I wanted an excuse to get out of here. We weren't even arguing over anything so we had to wait in deafening silence.

Poseidon was the first to talk. "So, did-did you find him?" Stuttering. Hmm.. weird. I've never heard Poseidon stutter before.

"Well yes.. but.."

"But what?"

"Well I found him, I remember I was asking a few questions and.. well I blacked out."

Now that confused me. "You blacked out?" I asked.

"Um yes, that's what I said. Anyway, when I woke up, well.. I was in a dumpster in China?.. I don't get it either?" She said ditzily. It felt like she was trying to be too innocent? Something must have happened and she's lying to us.

Hermes busted out laughing at the comment while the rest of the gods glared at him intensely. We needed to know what happened with Percy!

"But what happened with Percy? Where is he?" Poseidon asked.

"In an alleyway near his mom's apartment. When you get to the apartment building, I think you go right 4 blocks and then turn left 1 block. You should see a somewhat short alleyway on your right. I mean, if he's still there? I don't really know what happened after I blacked out.." Nyx replied.

"I'll go retrieve him!! He'll definitely be on the move if he knows that a goddess found him!!" I yelled as I flung myself from my seat and disappeared.

I doubt anyone was going to argue anyway. I was the goddess of the hunt, and no one would be better finding him than me if he was on the move.

I gotta go quickly if I'm going to catch him in time.

(947 Words)


Ah so I see you just finished chapter 2! How was it? Hope you enjoyed it and you continue to stick around! Much more adventure is to be in store!!!

(Edit: Hi guys! It's me again two years later! I just wanted to let you know I am currently in the process of rereading these early chapters and fixing and icky phrasing or just really badly written dialogue or inner monologue.. so if you notice the next few chapters are a bit out of shape, don't worry! I'm fixing the dip in my writing and it is continuously improving as I write along! Love you guys! See ya around!)

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