Kana Valentine

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CHAPTER 20: bad bitch.

Enzo and I sat in the huge living room as the food is being prepared. I become fidgety because 1. Enzo is really close and 2. Raphael is coming. I saw Raphael this morning and he was still in pain but he said he will be here tonight. Raphael said that he is going to have to deal with it sooner or later.

"What do you think about Abagail?" Enzo asked, I looked at his calm form

"I have to like her if she is going to be the new Luna." I murmured, putting her elbows on her knees and resting her chin on her hands.

"So you don't like her." Enzo finalizes, I shrugged.

"I guess. No one really likes her but she'll be here until she dies." I muttered. Enzo laughs at the thought.

"Funny how people didn't want Raphael in second command because of his closeness to Jackson. But now people hate the fact that a Normal is taking the Luna throne." Enzo hummed out, I sat up straighter and looked at the Beta.

"What the hell is a Normal?"

"Normal werewolf." He explained simply, I nodded in understanding.

"Make sense." I said. Julian popped out from the corner, smiling brightly.

"Hey dinner is ready." He said, I looked back at the staircase.

What about Raphael.

"I'm here Kana." A soft voice spoke out. We all turn around to see Raphael, confidence booming from his stance and outfit.

My eyes widened and Julian muttered a small 'wow'.

Raphael was all in black, skin tight leather pants, black boots, a loose black shirt, and a billowing overcoat that fell to the floor loosely. Different jewels colored his neck from the choker and he wore slim golden rings on his fingers.

"Looking good Advisor." Enzo joked, Raphael smiled at the mention of his title.

"We'll see. Let the celebration begin." He spoke, walking past us and his coat flowing behind us.

"Shit is gonna go down tonight huh?" Julian asked, giving us his crooked smile, I bite back my smile and just nodded.

We followed behind him and saw little pups run up to him, all smiles and he knelt down and hugged them all. I smiled at the scene, from what I witnessed, he was always good with the pups of our pack along with the mothers aswell. They're probably happy that he his back not wanting to deal with Abagail anymore. I looked ahead to see Jackson's head hung low and Abagail looks like she has steam coming out of her ears.

Everyone ignored her and greeted Raphael. I smiled at her anger.

"She looks pissed." Enzo said, I bit my lip and nodded.

"Do you think she'll do something about the attention?" I asked, she shrugged.

"Who knows. We don't really know how she acts yet."

"She's a bitch." I stated bluntly he laughed at it.

"Yeah we know that much." He murmured, his hot breath against my ear and neck. I hummed at the feeling.

Raphael picked up a pup, he was ten and a orphan. Only two when the fever hit him. Now the young Survivor was giggling at the Advisor picking him up.

He smiled at the boy and kissed his cheek, walking to the table and almost everyone went quiet.

"It's nice to meet you Abagail. I'm sorry I wasn't here to greet you." He apologized, but his tone said otherwise and the future Luna sneered at him.

Then he turned to Alpha Jackson.

"I hope you have a grand time Alpha." Raphael spat, he set the pup down and sat down on the chair, left of the Alpha.

Raphael clapped twice and the music played and the mood of the party changed dramatically. Enzo suddenly left my side and came back with two cups of water. I whispered a thanks and we payed attention to the higher ups.

The Alpha silently got up and went closer to Raphael, his mouth opening to speak but Raphael raised a hand to stop him. They started to bicker, I sighed in annoyance. I looked around to see Anya talking with Connor quietly and Julian talking with another guy.

"Raphael seems pissed." Enzo whispered, I laughed slightly.

I turned my attention to them and shook my head.

"He really is. That's for sure." I agreed.

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