Kana Valentine

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I stared out the window quietly looking at the blurring landscape. The sun hasn't even risen yet and we left before that. Julian was on his phone probably texting Jia, knowing her she was awake. Enzo was quiet, looking out the window or reading. The air was tense mainly because of the Alpha. He was stiff when we met up to leave.

Apparently he didn't want to leave either. I never thought I would leave the pack so soon. But it was Raphael's decision, and from what I learned from living in the pack. Never question his decisions.

The air was to thick with hesitation and tension it was hard to breathe. And I wished we already made it to the ports to leave to the country.

It's weird to think that I was wanting to go to Summer Skies instead of Tundra Falls. It was my mothers idea, I had no choice. Neither of us went to Tundra Falls before because we had no idea it was safe for Survivors. My wolf, Lucia, whines at the thought of the attack. My heart lurches to think where my mom is. Is she okay? Is she safe? Or is she dead?

"Alpha. What are the plans for the next three days?" Enzo asked. His deep voice cuts my deep thoughts off and lightened the mood in the car.

The Alpha hummed at the thought.

"Since we are heading to the ports today, it is estimated to be around a day or so to make it to the territories of Rose Seas. By tomorrow or tonight we should make it. After the meeting and our decision, we'll leave immediately. I want to get back home. As soon as possible." At the Alphas words, Enzo nodded.

"Good. Even already two hours away from Tundra Falls is giving me anxiety." Julian mutters, I murmured a "agreed".

My mom would've loved Tundra Falls.

The car comes to a stop. I look out the window, now realizing that the sun has risen and we were at the ports.

"Alpha, we are here." At the drivers statement, the Alpha nodded. He turned to us and we gave him our attention.

"It's time." He said, something else in his voice that I couldn't put my finger on.


I gasped the sight as we boarded the ship. Julian grinned at my reaction and Enzo chuckled.

"Never been on a ship before?" Enzo asked, a mock in his tone. I rolled my eyes and Julian laughed.

"Not everyone is you Enzo." Julian said and Enzo scoffed. I smirked at his reaction.

Julian knows how to put Enzo in his place.

"Don't worry being on a ship isn't bad. That is if you get seasick." Julian explained, shrugging his shoulders.

The three of us went to the cabins as directed as the Alpha talked to the captain.

"And if you do, the healer will help out with that." Julian advised, I rose an eyebrow.

"How do you know all of that?" I asked, he shrugged his bag that layed in his shoulder uncomfortably.

"I get seasick." He mumbled and went into the room. I laughed at the laugh and he playfully glared at me.

"Don't laugh, it sucks." He says and Enzo laughed at that.

As I went into the room there were three queen beds spread out through the very large room. The dark wooden floors was polished, three nightstands placed next to each bed. The sheets and pillows were pearl white. I placed my bag on the far left and the other two placed theirs on the other beds.

"Where is the Alpha sleeping?" I asked, scanning the room with my red eyes.

"Probably in a separate room. Because of you know." Julian explained, he was obviously bothered with the thought of a Luna that the Alpha was going to be forced to love.

"Julian." Enzo spoke up, we looked over at him.

"No one likes the idea. Neither does Raphael." He explains.

It makes sense. Raphael's charge will be lowered. He'll be third in command.

"Of course he doesn't. His rank will be lowered, and will be replaced. That bitch woll probably try to take his position aswell. Everyone loves Raphael no one likes a outsider. Especially one who isn't a Survivor." Julian spat, a knock interrupted his rant.

It opened to reveal the Alpha. I gulped at his stance. It wasn't confident or powerful. It was small and rigid. Je strolled in and plopped onto the lush couch that is place near Julian's bed. We all stared at him with tension.

"I don't like it either." He murmured, his silver eyes downcast.

"I don't like the fact that Raphael's rank will be replaced and I will have to love someone else that I have know clue about." He paused, looks at us.

"Raphael and I had an argument about this already before we left. He doesn't like it-no hates it. I am afraid what this woman will do. And you know what the funny thing is?" He said, his breaking looking up at us.

"I'm going to have to mate a woman even though I am bi."


I stood out looking at the dark blue ocean.

"Quite a shock wasn't it?" Enzo murmured standing next to.

So close I could feel the heat coming off of him. I shuddered at the feeling.

"Yeah. I never even though about the Alphas sexuality. He doesn't well- seem gay." I mumbled, he laughed.

"He isn't gay. But bisexual." He pointed out. I rolled my eyes.

"But he did prefers guys than girls." I whispered, crossing my arms on the railing. He nodded.

"I just don't hope they do something to him to force him into this." Enzo said, I looked up at him but he didnt seem to notice me looking at him. He was looking at the see.

"So you've been on a boat right? Where did you go?" I asked, changing the subject. He sighed.

"Well. I was born in the Ethphian Mountains. I grew up in a wealthy family. But we moved to Summer Skies because of the war going on in the country. But I've been to Tundra Falls of course, traveled to the Swan Lake cities, and to Crescent Hills." He explored, I was mesmerized.

"Wow. I have no idea where I was born. I moved around a lot even before the fever struck. But I've been to Tundra Falls aswell, Summer Skies where you found me, the others are just a blur." I explained, he studied my features. He hummed in thought.

"You can be from Crescent Hills, Etphian Mountains, or from other countries." He explained I nodded numbly.

I asked my mom about where we came from but she always said it didn't matter anymore.

I opened my mouth to say something but then the most earpiercing scream echoed in my head. I clutched my head in pain and screamed. I looked up to see Enzo in the same pain.

It was from the pack link I realized. Someone is hurt.

A/N: haha im alive.

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