Kana Valentine

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CHAPTER 12: Reassurance

I sat on the chair next to the others as I watched the Alpha talk quietly on the phone. Ever since what he revealed yesterday, I put the pieces together. Something was definitely going on between them, and this alliance is straining their relationship. Next thing I know is that Jackson froze starting to call out Raphael's name. I turned to look at the other two and their eyebrows furrowed.

Something was wrong. I continued to look at his posture and noticed that he removed the phone from his ear. His expression is dark and his defined jaw was clenched. Something happened to Raphael. He quietly and stiffly gave me my phone back and went to the captain.

I looked at my phone and saw that it was Raphael who ended the call or more like the connection was cut.

I jumped as I heard yelling from the captain's office and saw through the window that Jackson was demanding to turn around. It seemed to finally understand that something is wrong. Dread put weight on my shoulders. I started to think about there was actually a reason why we came. It was to weaken the pack.

My eyes widened in realization, I turned to Julian and Enzo.

"We need to go back. Something is wrong I know there is." I explained, Julian sighed and Enzo shook his head solemnly.

"We are just a little away from Rose Seas. We wouldn't be able to back now. We're hours away." Julian explained, crossing his arms. I guess he felt anxious aswell.

I sighed getting up. He's right. I know he is and he knows it to. I start walking around the large deck.

I look out to the horizon and saw that we are close. I saw a silhouette of the country. It's too late to turn back now.

"Hey don't worry. They'll be fine." Enzo said softly, walking up next to me.

"I know but I still feel like coming here. It was planned. With the Beta and Alpha gone.." I trailed off, Enzo's face darkened.

"They are vulnerable." He finsihed, I nodded. He sighed, his warm arm wrapped around my shoulder Nd pulled me close.

I was to stressed to care.

"Don't worry. Connor, Anya, and Jia are going to protect the pack. We are trained for a reason. There is a reason why Connor was left behind." He spoke quietly. I looked up at him.

"Why? Because they don't want Julian and Connor to rip out their throats?" I quipped. He chuckled at my joke. He shook his head.

"No. I'm pretty sure you heard. Connor is very strong-willed and just powerful in general." He explains, sneaking a glance to Julian.

"Then why is he a Delta?" I asked, he sighed.

"It's complicated. I guess you can say it's a strategy. Only the pack knows that I am 3rd in Command not Raphael. It's the same thing with Connor. He actually could be a Beta if he wanted to. But he declined the position to be a co-Delta with Julian. One, to push of Julian and two, for strategic purposes. Delta for regular packs are 4th in command. Strong but still weaker than other ranks. So without a Beta, Alpha, or another Delta..." he trailed off looking at me.

"They'll think he is weak." I said in realization. He nodded, a proud expression etched into his face.

"It's like being a wolf in sheeps clothing. And with Jia as a Gamma he'll have help." Enzo explained further, her warm arm finally fell from my shoulders giving me a shiver of the cold winds.

"Who made that idea? Jackson?" I asked he shook his head.

"Actually Connor and Raphael did." I hummed at the response.

Julian mindlinked us telling us to get our bags.


As we met up at the deck, the Alpha looked like as if he was going to throw up.

"Jackson?" Enzo asked, but Jackson was still quiet.

"I overheard the crew and the captain talking." He said quietly. We looked at eachother in confusion.

"And?" Julian asked, I lightly slapped his broad chest.

"And we were correct. By the gods Raphael will hate me." He whispered, running his hand through his shaved head.

"What is it?" I spoke up. His silver eyes were darkened and o started to feel intimated.

"The Alpha and Luna wants a marriage." He whispered, my breath caught up in my throat.

"I will have to marry their Eldest daughter."

In my opinion, to pity the Alpha is the worse thing to do. But as of right now I can't help it.

A/N: So I just realized I never posted this chapter???? I am so confused on how I missed that🤦‍♀️

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