Raphael Angelo

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CHAPTER 17: Victim

I stared blankly at the wall. My chest hurt, my stomach was burning, my cheeks were stained with dried tears. My head is filled multiple thoughts all at once. Usually I can block it out but today I decided to let them roam. My heart was torn with betrayal and hurt.

Of course I knew what happened. Anya, Jia, and Connor whispered about the situation trying to make it seem like it was a medical problem when they were in my room. I scoffed at the thought. I have dealt with mates cheating on eachother and the effects it causes. I already knew it was coming. I just didn't want to come this early.

We were mates. There is no doubting that when everyone will figure it out. Well, we were suppose to be anyway. I pulled my knees up to my chest and sighed. Maybe it truly was a mistake, I shouldn't have let him do it. Mates weren't chosen by Fate nor Destiny. They gave them a choice on who to be mates with. And the only way that can work is marking and sleeping together. It has to do with all three of the gods in reality. Mostly the Moon. She usually is main god for werewolves and they are the only ones who really have mates.

I closed my eyes and winced when I felt the slight pain in my lower stomach. No matter what I will always feel it. My mind drifted to my first meeting with Jackson. We met in Summer Skies, me hiding and him running. I chuckled lightly at the Memory, he was so scared of what happened while he was running he almost ran right into me.

We were in the Humans "America" in a place called Maine. He was running from werewolves and I was running from Hunters. I would've called it fate a long time ago but now I realize how Fate can be. Annoying. It was a month after we met and stuck together, believing it's better to stay together than to separate. He already saved me once as I did for him two days before we discussed our dream.

"I want to create a pack." He spoke once, of course I laughed at the idea believing it to be impossible. I'm 14 almost 15 and he's only 16.

"We can't. We are outcasts and freaks. I doubt the Royal council will ever let you be an Alpha." I tried to explain to him but he just shook his head.

"Not just any normal pack. But a pack for people like us." He said, his silver eyes sparkled at the thought. I shook my head in disbelief.

"For people like you." I corrected. he gave me a sheepish smile, taking my hand into his my heart stopped for a second.

"You and I are into this together Raphael. No matter what, you are one of us." He explained, he lifted my hand and kissed my palm.

I looked back into the blazing fire and thought for a moment. Could we actually do it? I looked back at his strong form. I smiled at him and nodded.

"I will help you." I finally said, he smiled brightly and then talked about the speech and every law to create a pack.

That night I realized something. I am in love with him.

I opened my eyes and blinked away the tears that were forming. I would say it was simple back then but it wasn't. Probably the only thing that was easy was our friendship.

I stared at the painting I created and the drawings. I got up and went to my drawer. I opened it and it showcased another painting. I spent a whole week on it. It was a painting of Fate himself. He has golden eyes just like all Forseers, tanned skin, and a mop of black hair on his head. I clenched my teeth in annoyance, he hasn't said a word in over two days, no whispers, no images, nothing.

It's as if he went tongueless. I sighed and put the painting back where it came from. I use to always hide it because when me and Jackson started to have feelings for eachother he always got jealous because I wouldn't paint him. And more angry once he saw that it was someone else. I chuckled at the thought sadly. I sat on my bed and whimpered slightly from the pain.

I took a shaky breath and laid back down looking out the window. The cold autumn wind prickled the large window. I smiled, winter is coming.

The door opened and my smile was wiped away. For a moment I was expecting a overwhelming heat to enter the room but it never came.

"They're coming soon and he has hardly moved, let alone eat anything." Anya explained, I heard a hum in answer.

"I know. He's been quiet. I think it's something else. Not just the new announcement." Connor's statement rang in my ears.

"I noticed that to but I've been trying to get him out since yesterday. It's going to be hard for us all." Her answer left a cold shill in my room.

"Anya, Raphael was cheated on. Jackson fucked another wolf. In my opinion that is a pretty good reason to not leave." Connor defended, his defense left a small smile on my face.

Anya sighed and I felt my bed slightly dip down. A warm hand went on my shoulder.

"I know it's hard for you Raphael. I know you are afraid that when you come out of this room. He'll be there with another. And you are scared that you'll be weaker because of it." She whispered, at her words my shoulders tensed. She gave a encouraging squeeze.

"But I know you'll be stronger than she ever will be." She whispered again and with that she got up and left the room with Connor.

I sat up wondering about her words until I started to get a headache. No, not now. It felt like something was being shoved into my skull. I started to mentally prepare myself for what is going to come but then a realization came.

I don't think my body will be able to handle it. Panic started to rise in my chest and got up and my breathing started to quicken. But I started to feel calm again. I furrowed my eyebrows out of confusion. Whispers started to whisp around my room and I groaned in annoyance. What the hell is Fate doing to me now?

"Funny how you always think it's fate, Raphael." A familiar voiced out. I froze, it can't be.

I slowly turned around and it revealed three people, sitting on my couch.

There was a boy, looks around late teens early twenties, light tanned skin, wavy dirty blonde hair laying on his head, he was standing so probably around 6 feet. All in black gear. But one thing caught my attention, pale blue eyes. I turned to the girls sitting down. The other one in black had light blonde hair, pale skin, and another trait from the boy. Pale blue eyes. I then turned to last girl and my breath hitched.

She definitely got taller and lost all of her baby fat. Her skin was like a dolls, like mine. A playful smile was displayed on her pink lips and her brown hair fell almost to her lap. Her golden eyes were glittering like mischief. Like when we were kids.

"Hello big brother. Miss me?"

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