Raphael Angelo

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CHAPTER 8: Secrets Don't Make Friends.

I looked at Anya in pity as she laid in bed crying. I sighed and looked at the pack doctor that treated her.

"Tell no one. No one can know." I spoke, she nodded and left silently.

"Anya." I tried, I grabbed her hand, images flashed in my mind.

I should've known. I shouldn't have been so ignorant with the images when I last touched her.

"We will figure this out." I said softly, she sobbed quietly. I understood her pain.

"H-How though? E-Everyone w-will find out soon enough." She cried out.

She looked up at me and I wanted to cry at the sight. Her eyes were bloodshot making her silver irises more prominent, her face was flushed with a red undertone.

"We can figure that out when the time comes. Luckily it is fine, you didnt hit the table hard. Yes, people will soon find out but we will be careful." I spoke as softly as I could, trying to calm her down.

"A-Alpha will p-probably k-kick me put, won't he?" She stuttered, my eyes hardened. I grabbed her hand, ignoring the pain in my head.

"I will make sure he won't do anything to harm you or your child. Fate has given me these images. If Jackson will try anything I will gladly go down with you." I said sternly.

"How will we conceal the father?" She whispered, I hummed in response.

"We will figure it out. How long have you known?" I asked, she started to shake again.

"Five weeks. I've been pregnant for five weeks." She whispered, I nodded silently.

"Good thing you aren't showing yet. You probably will be by the next week or two. I'll make sure everything will be fine Anya. Kana and Jia will ask questions but try not to tell them. Not until we figure something out. Luckily the fathers scent is thin. No one will find out until you give birth. According to the healer you will be giving birth within the next two-three months." I informs her, she nodded.

She opened her mouth and I could tell she wanted to say something but a knock interrupted her.

"Come in." I called out, the door opened to reveal Enzo, Julian, Kana, and Jia.

I sighed in relief to see no sign of Jackson. I turned to Anya.

"It's your choice to tell Anya." I said softly, I got up from the chair and left for the five friends to talk.

I smiles at the thought that Kana is getting along with people here. As I kept on walking I started feel warmth engulf the hall I am currently walking in. I groaned internally.

"Raphael." I heard Jackson called out. I stopped and turned to see the natural light from the windows gleaming g on his chocolate skin.

I sighed sadly, remembering when I loved to touch he smooth skin.

"Alpha." I said stiffly, as he stopped I front of me. I know he hates it when I call him that.

"Do you need something?" I asked and kept on walking, him beside me.

I opened the back doors to reveal where I was heading to. The garden.

The vibrant flowers brought a fresh scent to the pack grounds. Ever since the pack has been established he asked for a garden. And he got one.

"How is Anya?" He asked, I sighed.

"Fine, in a little pain." I said honestly. He nodded to my words.

It was one of the many things I loved about him. He was caring even when he didn't really show it.

"What did you want to talk to me for?" I asked, brushing my pale fingers through the flowers.

"The Contact." I stopped, dropping my hand from the bright pink flowers.

I turned to him to see him uncomfortable talking to me about it. I'm not surprised that is.

"And?" I asked, trying to professional.

"I have to go by tomorrow morning to meet with them." He said, his silver eyes looking sad. I nodded and kept on waking without walking for him.

He easily caught up with me, I'm not walking very fast.

"Good. We will need more allies if the other packs start to attack us. I'll make sure Enzo, Kana, and Julian will go with you. I guess I'll have to out Kana's trading on hold." I sighed out the last words.

"Kana? She's new!" He said, shocked by my decision. I turned around, my eyes sharp.

"She is training to be a Scout. We will bring back more Survivors if she spots some. Are you questioning my judgment? Again?" I snapped, his eyes widened with hurt. I could care less.

I continued to walk.

"She is going and that is final. Jia, Connor, and the rest of the pack will be here. We will be fine." I said, folding my hands together.

"I wanted you to come with me." At his words I paused. My heart slightly broke at his voice.

"I am needed here. If the Beta will be going along with a Scout and a Delta. As the Advisor I will stay with the other Delta and others. That is final. I will contact them to start packing."


"No. I will not be there to watch the packs daughter flaunt all over you." I snapped. He stopped, grabbing my wrists.

"You are jealous?" Hos words snapped something me.

"You act as if I love you! No I am not jealous! I am doing this for the sake of our people. I am Second in command my place is here while you go with the others to make a delay and a possible ally! Do not try me again with your words Jackson." I snapped, quickly walking away, ripping my wrists away from his warm hands.


I walked into my room, after closing it, I slid down onto the floor. Letting Fate take over my mind. I cried out from the pain in my heart and the future and what it brings.

After a few hours it was already night time, I already told everyone the plans for tomorrow. I finished writing down what I saw. What I felt and heard. I yawned, flopping onto the couch, I let sleep take over me.

After awhile, I slightly flinched when I heard my door open. Heat engulfed me as I was picked up and brought to my bed. I was into much pain and to tired to complain or argue. After I was settled in I felt a feather like kiss on my exposed neck.

"Je suis désolé mon amour." He whispered, I felt like crying when he spoke to me in my mother's language.

He remembered.


When I woke up, all four of them were gone to the Rose Seas.

SOOOOOO my mom won't let me use the computer at home anymore so I'm using other options rn. Hope youlike the chapter! It will be getting much more interesting soon!


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