Raphael Angelo

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CHAPTER 11: Visions Come With being a Forseer.

I slowly walked through the darkness, I shivered at how cold it felt. Where was I? I blinked to make sure I didn't have my eyes closed.

"Hello?" I asked, I kept on making steady steps in front of me.

As I kept on walking I heard small whispers becoming louder and louder. What is going on?

As I put out my right foot to take another step something broke under me. I looked down to see a skull under me. My eyes widened and I backed up to hit something. I looked back to see a wall. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

I looked back to see a scene unfold before me. It was Connor and Julian.

"What the." I whispered. They seemed to be in a heated argument.

I rubbed my eyes and opened them to see that the two were gone and it was Jackson and a woman. My throat closed up to see who it was. His bride. She had a large bump and they seemed to be in a deep conversation.

I looked at the two more closely and noticed the they didn't have their wedding rings on. Why is that? If she is pregnant and the alliance went through, they should've been married already.

Jackson kept on shaking his head and the young woman had a pitiful look on her face. I noticed we were in a recognizable room. I looked around and walked around.

I looked to the bed and I gasped. This was my room. And I was laying in bed, blood everywhere.

Do I die?

I snapped my eyes opened and sat up immediately startling Anya next to me. I gasped and started to panic. What will happen? What's going on?

I looked around the room and Anya grabbed my shoulder.

"Hey. It's ok you are safe." She said smiling, I nodded trying to control my breathing.

She handed me a glass of water.

"What happened?" I asked after a little bit. She sighed.

"Gave everyone a heart attack. You were screaming. First in the pack link and then in general. We came into your room and you were freezing. Shaking uncontrollably and had cold sweat. Your eyes were completely gold and fired up." She explained I nodded, but I saw her in the corner of my shifting uncomfortably.

"What else happened?" I whispered, she ran a hand through her red hair.

"You said something." She explained, I turned to her.

"What did I say?" I asked, she looked down and started to play with the hem of her shirt.

"Anya. What did I say?" I demanded, her silver eyes met my gold ones.

"Samuel. You said Samuel." She whispered, I shook my head, confused.

"Why?" She bit her lip and looked at the door.

"Because I think you predicted what happens to my child." At her blunt statement I just stared at her.

She sighed.

"Raphael. I was thinking if I had a boy, his name would be Samuel."

I nodded staying silent. What was Fate trying to say? I know something is missing. What happened to me? What did I see? I can't remember.

So many questions started to hurt my head.

"How was the appointment?" I asked, trying to change the subject. She sighed in answer leaning back on the chair.

"Good. Next one I get to find out the gender but I think you already found out for me." I laughed at her annoyed face.

"Sorry. I can't control it sometimes." I said, leaning against the headboard.

"What about the father?" I asked. Her face turned sour.

"I couldn't make it. Neither could he. Something came up." I thought about it and came to a realization.

"He isnt from our pack." I stated, my eyes widened.


"I know. I'm a Survivor and he's a normal werewolf. It's like fucking Romeo and Juliet. I've known him for forever. When I came to the pack I didn't start seeing him until a year ago, started dating until 6 months ago. And here we are." She said throwing her hands up. I sighed.

"Are you sure that he can be trusted?" I asked, she nodded silently.

"Anya. I need words."

"Yes you can trust him. But I know once other people will find out-"

"Do not worry about that right now. We'll figure it out when we get there." I said taking her hand into mine.

"I'll make sure nothing will happen to him." I said firmly, she opened her mouth to say something but my phone rang.

I looked at my nightstand to see Kana's name pop up. I look at Anya apologetically. She nodded in understanding and left.

I reached for my phone and answered it.

"Hey." I said rubbing my dry eyes.

"Hey. Is everything ok over there? There was a scream in the pack link. Alpha is wondering if there was a fight or something." Kana's voice rang out. I shook my head.

"No. No fights. Something just came up and it was an accident. Everyone is fine. Tell Jackson-"

"Oh Raphael Alpha wants to-"

"I can tell him Kana." I sighed, hearing Jackson's voice.

"What do you want Jackson." I said, getting up. I was in a pair of black skinny jeans and I just threw on a white shirt.

"I wanted to see if you were ok." His statement made me roll my eyes. I put on shoes that made me actually look somewhat normal for once.

"I'm fine. Everyone is fine. Stop worrying." I snapped. He sighed on the other line. I walked out of my room and went outside to the garden.

"I just want to talk." He answered honestly.

I sighed.


"I don't want this either Raphael. I just want to go home. Sometimes I wish I wasn't even the Alpha." He whispered.

"Do not think like that. We knew something like this would've happened eventually. I just wish..." I trailed off, he sighed on the other line.

"I just want you to know that I don't regret it." I bit my lip at his answer.

I felt a sob crawl in my throat. Why did Destiny have to be so cruel sometimes?

"I know. I don't either but. But we need this. Just don't do something that will hurt us." I whispered. He knew what I meant.

"Of course." He answered. I sighed.

"I just want-" I stopped when I heard a growl.

"Raphael? Raphael is everything ok?" I hear Jackson's panicked voice. I slowly turned around when I heard the growls become louder.

There stood a large werewolf. How did they get in?

"Raphael! Is everything-" I didn't hear him anymore once the werewolf lunged at me. My eyes widened.


I screamed out in terror as I saw the wolf's face was five inches from mine. A white blur shot towards us and took down the wolf. I collapsed from tripping dropping my phone.

I crawled away as I saw a pack member kill the wolf, snapping its neck. He looked up at me, his eyes cold.

"Invasion." Connor said and my heart stopped.

This was the plan. They attack when the Alpha is away.

"Great." I said sarcastically. Both of our heads snapped to the screaming.

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