Kana Valentine

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CHAPTER 3: A New Home

I woke with the start of my mom on my mind. And where I am. I shivered slightly at the cold winter air that haunted my room that I am occupying.

The door opened revealing a maid in her late 50's atleast. She gasped at the sight of my awakened state. I rose a eyebrow.

"Glad you are awake Mistress Kana. I will send for the Alpha right away." The woman said, hurrying out of the room.

Alpha? Was that boy the Alpha? And where the hell am I?

A few moments later the door opened to reveal a mid-20 year old man. Skin as dark as melted chocolate, muscular, taller than myself by a lot. But one thing that my attention.

His silver eyes.

"Hello Kana. My name is Alpha Jackson. I am the leader of the Silver Rose pack. You were saved yesterday afternoon by my beta and warrior." He explained. I just nodded absently.

"Where am I?" I asked quietly, looking around the room. It could be a 5-star hotel room.

"Tundra Falls." His answer made my eyes widened.

"Tundra Falls?" I whispered in disbelief. Where my mom and I was in Summer Skies. My mom.

Dread and guilt filled my heart.

"My mom?" I whispered, but I already knew the answer.

"They took her. We tried to find her but no trace of her was left behind." The Alpha explained.

Another knock broke my thoughts. The door opened to reveal, a handsome no, beautiful man close to my age. His skin was like a very expensive porcelain doll, glossy black hair was cropped into messy layers on his head, slender, but a interesting look about him that I never saw before.

Golden eyes. He studied me with his unique eyes as if he is trying to see into my soul. I started to feel self-conscious about how I look compared to him.

"Alpha, Jia and Enzo found blood traces of Alexander. They are requesting a meeting." I honestly thought his voice would be soft but it was cold.

I am guessing Alpha Jackson noticed to because he slightly winced at his words.

"Of course Raphael." He said, I can read people well. Ever since I was a child.

Obviously something happened between them. And I feel like I was the reason.

"It's nice to meet you Kana." His voice ended up being soft with me though. So smooth it was like silk.

The Alpha nodded at me and then left with the gorgeous boy trailing behind him. They left me in the large suite, alone in ny thoughts.


I got dressed in the clothes that were provided for me and looked around my room studying every single detail. Something from the window caught my attention, I turned to look at the large windows, I studied them until realization struck.

How could I be so stupid? These are doors, in front of me was a balcony. My mind is so fogged up with worry about my mother it's clouding my sense. I groaned internally, how am I suppose to save my mom if I can't even realize that theres a balcony connected to the room I'm currently staying in?

I heard the door open, to the noise I turned to see the boy that was with the Alpha.

"Hello again Kana. I'm sorry for earlier, business as usual takes up almost all of our time." He explained, I wanted to ask him something but my wolf told me no.

I only nodded as an answer.

"I am sure you have a lot of questions." Raphael said carefully.

"I do." My voice sounded broken.

Raphael nodded and walked over to a chair that sat by a couch and a table. Gracefully, might I add.

"Come sit with me. We will introduce you to the others when dinner comes. For now I will answer your questions." Raphael explained. The jewels tied around his throat sparkled in the natural light.

I carefully walked and sat on the couch facing him.

"Why am I here?"

"Because you are one of us." The statement didn't take me back, it was the careful tone of his is what brought my attention.

He doesn't know if he wants me here or not.

"Is everyone in the pack like me?" I studied his movement, to see if I can get anything else out if him as he answered but he seem calm and confident.

Somethings I don't have at the moment.

"Yes. Except for me." His answer surprised me but at the same time didn't.

Why is he here if he isn't one of us?

"What are you then? Just a werewolf? A hybrid?" I asked, my hand twitching.

Raphael slouched on the chair like he owned it, his leg is crossed over the other one. The thin silver rings decorating his pale hands glimmered in the sunset.

"No. I am not a werewolf. I am a Forseer." His soft words froze me. A Forseer?

The myth? The rare breed of Witches?

"How? That's not possible." I said, my red eyes looking straight into his gold ones.

"It is possible Kana. My family are related Forseer's. Been like that since the beginning." He laughed at the end. Probably because of the face I am making.

"How many others are there here?" I asked, changing the subject.

"About 300, give or take. We usually take in rouge Survivors, victims, or when their family brings them to us." He explained thoughtfully.

"Who is Alexander?" My question made his face turns sad.

"That story is for another time little wolf."

Laughter erupts outside my door and I look at Raphael questionably. His sadden features are replaced with a smile.

"It is time for dinner Kana. Jia and Anya will be here is escort you down. I'll see you at the hall." He said, he smiled and left the room.

I leaned back into the lush cushions. I'm going to have to socialize. I realized.

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