Part 20

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Part 20


After making some official calls at the poolside, Arnav walked out from his room to get some water from the kitchen. While passing by, he heard cute little voice which attracted him to take steps toward the respective owner. Standing at a girlish touch room with all pink designs with white curtains and toys been kept accordingly on the bed while the extra large toys were placed beside the study table. He knocked the door respecting the person privacy as he didn't want to storm in without taking permission. Even though, this mansion is belongs to him, even he holds each and every arts of this mansion but didn't such thought come in his mind to disturb anyone here. This huge mansion is no more the same which he used to stay with his wife.. Everything changed! Starting from the surround to the hearts, none remain..

Arnav (Knocking the door): "Can I come in..?" He asked a beautiful girl who was looking busy with her Barbie house.

Sneha (Her eye was on the toy house and yet talking to Arnav): "Ohh.. Come on Uncle.. You were ogling me since pass few minutes and for that you didn't even asked permission from me..?" Arnav was literally taken back with her way of putting words. Sharp and straight forward..!

Arnav: "So.. It means I'm not allowed to come in..?" She turns behind placing the Barbie on the ground.

Sneha: "You already enter inside Uncle.. See your feet..??" She pointed on his legs which probably already crossed the invitation zone.

Arnav (With a apologizing smile): "Ohh.. I'm sorry.."

Sneha: "Don't be to formal.. After all, we are friends.. Come in.. I have to show you something.. Remember my Barbie's house..?" Arnav walked in nodding in approval. "Uncle wait.. Let me get stool for you.. You can't seat on the ground like me.."

Arnav: "Why not..? If you can than why not me..? You just remind me that we are friends than why these formalities..? I can adjust this ground very well.." They got seated not too far from each other. Sneha started to explain to him and introduce him her Barbie's one by one. She had named them with cute names where she can remember easily. Later, she showed Arnav the Barbie's house and keep informing him the way she makes them ready, their dresses for the evening, their bed and what they eat accordingly with the schedule that she makes. Arnav was surely surprised seeing her engrossed with the Barbie's and the way she prepared everything systematically.

Sneha: "You like my Barbie's house..?" Arnav nodded with a smile on his face. Not only like he just love it. Girls always have high taste in toys and planning unlike boys who were mostly to sports and social life.

Arnav: "You need anything to complete your house..?"

Sneha: "No.. For time being its prefect.." Arnav caressed Sneha's hair while his eyes were scanning through the Barbie's House. The moment his eyes fall on male and female doll, he keep guessing who it might be..? Sneha notice where Arnav was looking at? She purposely interferes and started to explain. "This is my dream.. Isn't these two looking cute together..? Just like Daddy and Mamma..?"

That was such time that Arnav felt someone rip his heart and pull it out through his ribs..! His eyes were glued on the dolls. They were dressed in bridal costumes and been made to seat next to each other so that they couldn't be apart away..!

Sneha: "Uncle..?" She touched him bringing him back to reality. "You didn't answer me yet..! Aren't these dolls looking good together just like MY Daddy and Mamma..? In fact they look so lovely.."

She keeps mumbling while Arnav keep staring his daughter. She narrated what she desires and the future plans for her family but in all this..? She didn't include HIM to be a part of her life. Seem he was nowhere needed..! He can't wait here anymore. He was about to stand up so that he could walk out from the room but immediately his hand been gripped and he been asked to seat again beside his daughter.

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