Part 6

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Part 6

Arnav was busy in the room with the designer.. He called them here to renovate the room next to his room and Khushi's for the unborn baby of theirs which would come in this world within a month.. It's already one week and he didn't had any physical relations with any models nor his wife too.. He hardly meet any model of his unless it related to professionalism.. He always show his disinterested face which lead them to stop seducing him.. This whole one week was too tough for him to handle his desire and lust.. He can't seek any intimates from Khushi as she was already in her 8 months.. Even sometime she wants him to love her but he always remain from completing the love making.. He just satisfied her with slow rhythms and made her cum without taking part fully and pressuring his body on her.. It would only harm the baby if he started to pounce on her..

Since their marriage he never hurt her physically.. He was always smooth and move based on her capabilities.. He always believes she is his JAAN which he deadly in love since beginning but due to his horrible habits he couldn't stop the addiction and prefer Treason her love.. But he do REALIZE his mistake when she told she would died if she found out the truth.. He knew he was hypocrite so does his love but he couldn't let her die.. If she is longer beside him than his existence also wasn't useful in this world..

Arnav: "Get the room renovate in a girlish style.. Everything should be pink starting from the material elements and paints.." He directed the interior designer.. Khushi was seating on the bed and listening to her husband words..

Khushi: "Arnav.. How you know it's a girl..??" She was really surprised.. He was so confident that their baby will be an angel which is girl.. Even she protest a lot but he didn't agree.. She tried to convince him for the CT scan but still he denied.. He told her let it be surprise..

Arnav: "A fatherly sense is saying that she will be a girl.. Arnav Singh Raizada's daughter.." He said proudly with confident..

Khushi: "What if it is a boy..??" He turn an looked at her.. He instructed the Designer to leave as he needs some privacy with his wife..

Arnav: "Doesn't matter.. He would be my baby too.. Girl or boy doesn't make any difference.. As long the baby is safe so does their mother.." He kissed her forehead..

Khushi(Cupping his cheeks): "I did a lot of good things in my previous birth which made Devi Maiyya gives me a husband like you.. I'm very lucky and happy to get you in my life Arnav.." He was just numbed.. He don't have any words to replied her.. Only he knew the truth of his horrible deeds but now it is his PAST which can't erased.. He promised himself for not stepping in those dark path again.. But somewhere he felt scared what if those past come and haunted his presence life..??

He didn't want to lose her so does their baby which would be symbol of their loves.. He wanted to gives her the most happiest life which can ever a person dream for..

Arnav: "I'm the lucky one to get you in my life Khushi.." He hold her hands and kissed her finger sensually.. There were dawn in some moments and eyes locked which lead them fly away from the reality world..


Two weeks passed, and the room was fully designed.. He spend most of his time in the room.. He full the wardrobe with beautiful gown as he was still confidence it would be baby girl.. Sometime he doubt that he could be a good husband or not but he was sure he would be a good father for his kids.. He would love them equally as he loves his wife.. Khushi was sleeping in their room and he took this opportunity to rearranged some stuff by his own.. He order plenty of bears and doll which just reached today.. He was arranging them with his own way..

His works been interrupted by the call on his mobile.. At first he wanted to ignore it but the ringtones echoed in the whole room and irked him.. He checked the caller ID and they a smile crept on his handsome face..

UnFaithFul Love (by Sugar-Arhi)Where stories live. Discover now