Part 8

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Part 8

He was seating on the stool beside her bed. His eyes were only on her. Bandage was tied on her forehead and some scratched was on her beautiful face. She was sleeping for nearly 24 hours. The medicine was still affecting her. The nurse walked in to check her pulse and her BP level. She informed Arnav that the Doctor wanted to meet him. He walked out from the room not before glancing her.

Doctor: "Have a seat Mr.Raizada." He settled on the chair opposite the Doctor. "Mrs.Raizada report just reached from lab and there is no complication for her to be mother again. She is fine but right now refrains from any intimates. She needs some time to recover from her illness." He was lost in some deep thought when the Doctor describes her report to him. He still wonders would she carry his baby after what had happen between them. Would she have any intimates with him after she caught him red handed in compromising position with Lavanya? His marriage life already shattered when she witnesses the ugly side of her husband. "We would discharge her by today and you can complete all the formalities." He nodded and walked out from the Doctor's cabin with unanswerable question.

He opens the ward door which was occupied by her. His eyes widen seeing her seating on the bed. She was looking at him with blank eyes without any emotion nor any readable expression. He walked towards her with small step. He didn't know on how she would react and that the reason he was taking precaution way.

Khushi: "Hum main ghar jahna hai.. (I want to go back home)" She spoke in sudden only to surprise him. But in sudden her eyes filled up and alone tear escape in between her eyelash. "I don't have any house. I'm orphan. I'm alone. Where should I go now..??" She asked again breaking the silence in the room. He closed his eyes when she said she was alone? Even she has him in her life but still she considers herself alone?

Arnav: "You still have me Khushi.." He said with broken voice. He knew he don't have right to say that he was here with her after what he did to her. He was assuring her as she won't feel lonely.

She didn't replied and prefers staying silence. She lies on the bed and turn her face on the other side. She didn't want to meet his gaze. Her tear was still rolling in between her eyes. She still remember what had happen and the image of her husband in someone else arms. She knew she lost her baby and now she is alone even she has her husband beside him.


They reached home two hours ago. Jenny was the one who invited them and took her to her room. She prepared dinner and feed her some soup. She was weak and wasn't allowed to walk much as per the Doctor instruction. All the while, Jenny tried to talk with her but she didn't utter a word. She was lost in her own world a world which was full with darkness. Even she has learned the truth but still she wasn't able to accept with open heart. She wasn't able to believe that what she saw was true. She needs someone who can brush all those scenes from her mind and take her away from here.

After having few spoon of soup she retired on the bed and let the slumber took over her. Jenny excused herself and walked out from the door after switching off the main lights of her room.


Arnav was seating in the room which he decorated for their daughter. The room was still untouched. He seat on the recliner and adore the cradle which he always dream to see his daughter in and playing with the hanging toys. He walked towards the wardrobe and took out a frock. He touched the soft material with tears shedding from his eyes. He collapses on the ground with the frock in his hands. His dreams to have a happy family ended here. He doesn't know how he should repair his mistake. Every possible way was closed for him. He doesn't have anyone to guide him nor does he have a pillar that he can share his grief but he does realize his sadness wasn't comparable in front of her. Only she knew what she is going through.

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