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(A:N/ One of the best FMV I have ever seen! 😍😍)


Type felt the need for privacy that's why he motioned the others to go out. They walked towards the door quietly and got out.

Techno heave a deep sigh when he closed the door behind him. He looked at Type and the latter just nodded. All of them walked towards the couch on the waiting area and Techno signalled the secretary so she won't disturb them.

Ae looked at Type worriedly. He asked Type if he thinks everything will be okay.

"Let's just trust Tin. The both of them actually. It's high time for them to finally talk." Type said.


"Cantaloupe... " Tin repeated. The space between them was slowly reducing as Tin walked slowly towards Can.

The tears on Can's eyes was threatening to fall. But he still tried to keep it in.

"I-is..... T-t-that.... Me?" Can whispered as he again turned his eyes towards the painting. He was not an artist but he can feel the loneliness of that photo. The fact that it was taken while that boy was walking away.

Tin waited for Can to look back at him and said, "Yes..."

"B-but w-why?" Can wanted to clap for himself. He never knew this day would come. The day when he will ask Tin all the things that he wanted know. He didn't want to ask just yet. But he knew that being coward will not get him anywhere.

He's ready. He's ready to hear what he has to say. If that will tear his heart apart then so be it. It's his fault after all.

"Why you ask?" Tin took one step closer. Can gulped and tilted his head and looked at him straight on the eyes.

"Do you know Cantaloupe?...." Tin started.

"D'you know how much you have hurted me when you said those words? D'you know how many times I wanted to ask you why... I felt it Cantaloupe... I felt that you have something for me too. When you returned my kisses, when you wiped my sweat that day, when you got jelous because of Pete. I know there is something Can... But why..." Tin's voice croaked and hearing that, Can let his tears fall.

"Why... Do you have to hurt me so bad? Did you know that, that's the first time I wanted to trust anyone again. But.. But..." Can can't take it anymore. He turned his eyes away from Tin and bowed his head down. He bit his lips as sobs came out.

"I'm.... I-i'm s-sorry... I'm really... Sorry... Tin... I-I did----" Can hiccupped and Tin put his finger on Can's lips.

"Listen to me first, will you?" But Can just shook his head. He's still crying nonstop. Tin's heart is wrenching as he look how Can cried so hard in front of him.

"Shhhhh. Cantaloupe... Listen..." Tin cupped Can's face and gently pushed his head up so he could look at him in the eyes.

"Listen to what I'm going to say, okay?" Tin said as a single tear rolled down on his cheek. He smiled gently and caressed Can's cheek.

"Yes you hurted me. I didn't like you back at that time Cantaloupe. Because... I loved you already...."

Hearing that from Tin, it seems like Can's world stop spinning. And his heart stopped beating. He cannot believe what he was hearing right now.


"I loved you Cantaloupe.."

Tin smiled gently and added, "And.... I still do. I wanted to hurt you too. I will lie if I tell you that getting revenge didn't crossed my mind. But I can't Cantaloupe.... I just love you too damn much.."

Is it really the end? - TinCan Story (MeanPlan)Where stories live. Discover now